NATION - What Does a Nation Do for its Leaders?

Martin Luther King wasn't assassinated by the U.S. Government because he was a militant radical, advocating for the demolition of the prevailing structure. No. Why whitey even uses him as their None to SUBTLE suggestion to Us on the best agreeable white-lovin' stance to assume, even though when one reads King's writings, it's OBVIOUS that he never let them off the hook for doing ISH.
No. The United States, in collaboration with undercover operatives (who I shall not name here, but you may know a couple already), they killed him because he forgot that he was still a slave.
In his last months alive, Reverend King was speaking out against the Vietnam War and had begun to address the plight of poor people, both here and worldwide. He had even met with The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and other Afrikan leaders in moves to forge Politically Strong Alliances. He was planning and thinking as a Free Man does. As if he can CHOOSE. He still didn't call for “Death to All Crackers!” Nope. But he called for Humanity, across all divisions, even economic and cultural.
But in the U.S. it's okay to champion perpetual slavery, with no right to Self-Determination - in the useless hope that sitting next to Light Deflectors will make them like Us like they LOVE themselves - but it is NOT okay to realize and thus ACTUALIZE that We ALREADY ARE a Nation, with common interests and objectives. That We have a vested Interest to Protect each other's right to just BE.
Now isn't it interesting that no one in the mainstream media, today, talks about helping the poor, worldwide, unless it's Bill Gates who confesses, on camera, that he wants to REDUCE their population! Talking about UNITING the poor NEVER happens with Credibility and/or the same sense of URGENT MORALITY, brought by the UNDENIABLE MLK. It seems We have all been trained how to be acquiescent chattel, perhaps better than any cattle would have a mind to so consciously mold. The cow doesn't defend his slaughter, but We surely do, every time We put on this country's uniform or swing its flag. We defend the murderers of All Our Leaders who dared to Reach Out to Our Afrikan Brethren, rich AND poor.
Martin Luther King wasn't shot because he was a revolutionary; but because he was FREE. If he had had a FREE US to watch his back, he just might have lived to be Our Wise Venerated Elder, and OH SO PROUD He would have been of Our STRENGTH and?
So would We be of OURSELVES.
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