Thursday, February 17, 2011


Tonight, I'm pinch hitting for my Beloved Sis-STAR Queen Hashima Morgan on The Hashima Morgan Show. All on Harambee Radio @ @ 8:00 pm-9:00 pm 
The Hashima Morgan Show 
Durham , North Carolina

Tonight join hosts Ajali Shabazz & Ife Johari Uhuru as they introduce you to: The S.T.E.P. program

The S.T.E.P. Program was founded over 10 years ago, by Brother Kenyatta, as a direct action to ensure young Black Men, from the ages of 6 and upward, were not disconnected from knowledge nor the vision of their past, present and future. Over that time period, the program has ushered 100+ boys in the Afrikan Honored Tradition of Rites of Passage to Manhood. Not a single participant, even those from troubled backgrounds have fallen into the traps set up to siphon the Lifeblood of Our Young Brothers - i.e. PRISON, DRUGS, and DEATH. 98% of the attendees have gone on to college, and just this past summer, 2 of our sons were the only selected teenagers from the entire city of Newark to take part in a Princeton University Summer Program for Gifted Youth. More than just an afterschool basketball boys' club, The S.T.E.P. Program has become one cornerstone to building Our Greatest Pyramid.

Tonight with us is Brother Zaahir Muhammad, who has been working relentlessly within the organization for the past 3 years. We will discuss the CRITICAL necessity of teaching Our future CHAMPIONS, Our Children the Truth about who they are and that although We come from a Mighty People, becoming even MORE is in all of Our Hands, TODAY.

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