Saturday, February 12, 2011

NATION - Bad Idea Not to Be Careful for What You Wish....

The Zionist Jews who picked Palestine as a homeland, (since occupying that nation seemed more marketable a  Lie than their original consideration of Uganda. Uh, Uganda?!! What the HECK were they THINKING, there? See! These cats are NOT GOD, no matter HOW HARD they TRY), these War Criminals have patience that would make Job envious. These Depraved Cats can CERTAINLY plan through the GENERATIONS. 

Such as, this recent Mubarak step down is a Diversionary CROCK, as they have just replaced him with the bought and paid for MILITARY. And all that mess that Facebook and Twitter caused this 'revolution' is also a diversionary CROCK made to make Us feel that We can stay home, type on Our computers and CHANGE will just HAPPEN. Derriere squashing in an easy chair doesn't bring on revolution. DEPRAVATION and BRUTALITY DO. And Egypt's attempt has just been handed a checkmate, as for them to continue protesting with this media hyped 'Compromise'? Now the Strengthened Military can call them FANATICS and TERRORISTS ("Those People are SO UNREASONABLE!"), and start MOWING THEM DOWN! The real Egyptians, I have it on first hand testimony, are STILL PISSED OFF, only MORE SO, and yet?

They're gonna have to go back to work, right? Make that money to feed them babies, who don't faire so well without food over a couple hundred YEARS. While the rich have nannies with endearing accents, and caviar flown in from Astrakhan, Russia. I read that they have the very BEST Beluga there.

Yup. That's how the Power Elite do it, from the street, to the courts, to the World Stage. THEY WEAR YO' IMPATIENT STARVIN' ARSE OUT, while We keep spending Our money to buy their TV's and Cell Phones!!

Hmmmmm? Now THERE'S a Plan..... (^^)

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