I have one last comment about This Obama 15 Minute Moment. The negative response to JUST ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT HIS PRESIDENCY HAS BEEN ASTOUNDING! Folks just don't want Ya asking a THANG. Well, my final assessment is Quite SERIOUS.
The Greatest Warning that We Black People give each other concerning Barack Obama so that We say nothing that even questions the level of stewardship he provides, (We, who gave him Our votes in Massive Proportions), the Greatest Warning We give to silence Our Analysis is "Sssh! You gonna make Massa MAD and he gonna KILL Obama!"
This as I stated is SERIOUS. Now, I SINCERELY DOUBT that a O-N-E of Us Beloved Black People will be attempting to take the life of a Person who has without question placed himself forever in the annals of American history, if without proving himself Virtuous, at least proving that We are capable of Eloquence. So, let me get this straight then. Isn't FREEDOM about the right of EXPRESSION? Isn't that saying, "Freedom of Speech" quite WELL KNOWN and Honored (or used to be) by even US?
Yet it appears, under threat from NUTTY WHITE PEOPLE who don't even NEED A REASON TO HATE US but now have a reason to do so OPENLY, it appears that because of FEAR of their RETRIBUTION that once again We are REDUCED to BEGGING for their GOOD OPINION by PRETENDING TO BE WITHOUT COMPLEX THOUGHTS of any incendiary kind? You know? Like the old Shuck and Jive Days? "Yessa Boss. Oh don't ja worry Nuthin' 'bout little ol' Uncka Tom here, Boss. I ain't got a THOUGHT in My li'l ol' Nigga Head. No SUH!"
1. Since when did Crackers EVER NEED ENCOURAGEMENT to HURT US?
2. No Black Person EVER should RUN FOR PUBLIC OFFICE (E-V-E-R!) believing that it is WITHOUT PHYSICAL RISK! Please. I don't want a hair harmed on Barack Obama, but for REAL? Don't friggin run for DOG CATCHER if you ain't got the BALLS to realize that these people are NOT YOUR FRIENDS and will KILL YOU if you have the NERVE to rise TOO HIGH! What are We? A bunch of PUNKS? Did We think this would be EASY?
3. How will it ultimately BE HELPFUL if We Black People can ONLY be FREE to VOICE CRITICISM of Our Black Elected Officials when they are 'w'HITE? It seems We are Damned if We DO and DAMNED if We DON'T! So once again, We are too CHICKEN to challenge the INSANITY of CRACKERS! We once again?
Can't survive without them.
And here We thought the Selection of the First Black President meant We's were all FREE. Guess We have ALL just be ASSASSINATED.
Monday, February 28, 2011
DIVINE SISTERS OF ETERNITY, Newly to ASCEND and lay CLAIM to Our Full BIRTHRIGHT as the Feminine Expression of CREATION, Our bodies are the Natural Flow and Seasonal Sifts of this Earth. Thus, We EXCEL when We Notice the Tide to Predict the Flood. Plant Our Garden, Thought-FILLED-LY to the Fertilizing Rhythm of Our Emotional, Spiritual and Physical Currents and the Current STATE of Our Striving for PEACE MIND. And thus We achieve an UNWAVERING BLISS.
Our Rootedness is a BLESSING, and not the CURSE as Our Fallen Children have mis-claimed. It is a SYNCHRONICITY with the MAJESTIC UPROAR of the Planet, whose signs CAN NEVER BE TAKEN FOR GRANTED, without the danger of ANNIHILATION for ALL.
Do not allow the fool to Underestimate your MIGHT and do not be that Fool, yourself. If you feel it? That is because you are the soil itself that senses the RUMBLE before a creature can stir from it's perch, and TREMBLE.
You Birth MOUNTAINS, that Hush the Poet's Pen.
You can never be overlooked, for every sentient and non-sentient manifestation, legless or Winged, dips in obeyance to You for SUSTENANCE, for Life. For it MUST never be assumed that Ours is anything but the very Womb in which that LIFE, itself, is PERPETUALLY RENEWED!
Our Rootedness is a BLESSING, and not the CURSE as Our Fallen Children have mis-claimed. It is a SYNCHRONICITY with the MAJESTIC UPROAR of the Planet, whose signs CAN NEVER BE TAKEN FOR GRANTED, without the danger of ANNIHILATION for ALL.
Do not allow the fool to Underestimate your MIGHT and do not be that Fool, yourself. If you feel it? That is because you are the soil itself that senses the RUMBLE before a creature can stir from it's perch, and TREMBLE.
You Birth MOUNTAINS, that Hush the Poet's Pen.
You can never be overlooked, for every sentient and non-sentient manifestation, legless or Winged, dips in obeyance to You for SUSTENANCE, for Life. For it MUST never be assumed that Ours is anything but the very Womb in which that LIFE, itself, is PERPETUALLY RENEWED!
Maybe there is still Hope for US to wake up, but soon? Obama will have talked Us so COMPLETELY out of Our Black Minds that donning a KKK Dunce Cap?
Will seem as agreeable as continuing to support a puppetsident who is Black ONLY in name. In actions? He's accomplished more right wing goals than any white Klu Klux Klan member could have ever managed. Obamaists like to say, "Well, he's not supposed to be the Black People's President!" as if he is simply ignoring Us. But if ONLY he WOULD IGNORE US. But like the KKK he is deliberately seeking out and destroying the small gains that this nation (which owes Us a HECK OF A LOT MORE) has conceded. GONE are dozens of programs aimed at educating and empowering poor Black People with just the stroke of the Obama pen, like a match to a crucifix. Programs gone that his OWN WEBSITE EXTOLLED the EFFECTIVENESS of and gained Campaign Traction for him with the Black electorate. He might as well burn a cross on ALL OUR LAWNS. It's the SAME ECONOMICALLY DISENFRANCHISING GOAL of Our STAUNCHEST ENEMIES!
Look. I don't wish the brother NO HARM. He isn't the Architect of this Hell, just one of its WILLING PARTICIPANTS! So, yup. If your still waiting for Obama to notice Us, while he actually IS by DESTROYING US? And you STILL LIKE HIM? Better head out to your local KKK outfitting store and get your DUNCE CAP while SUPPLIES LAST!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saw a big CHEMTRAIL up in the sky this morning and wanted to RE-POST this Protocol for COUNTERACTING the POISONS that are in the dispersant the Criminal Zionists are using to Destroy Our HEALTH.
Even the CREDIBLE verify the reality of toxic particulate matter in these OBVIOUSLY not natural cloudlike formations. Testing has shown them to be composed of many carcinogenic, anti-immune, and fungul contaminants, and yet the governments of the world remain silent, despite EXPONENTIAL RISE in the number of Respiratory Deaths. Once the 8th leading cause of death, in just the past 5 years? IT HAS RISEN TO THE THIRD!!!
Don't WAIT for your Enemy to Confirm that he IS your ENEMY. PREPARE YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY for this Insidiously Quiet WAR that has the government, so certain of it's impending victory as it builds hundreds of deep underground bunkers and thousands of FEMA camps with MILLIONS of EMPTY COFFINS, that it actually ADMITS to killing hundreds of blackbirds in South Dakota. PREPARE.
So I'm gonna LAY OUT a Natural Protocol that can hopefully boost your immune system, and protect you against the various debilitating effects of what has been found in the bloodstream of EVERY PERSON, unlike ever before. WARNING!!! IF YOU ARE ON PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION THAN CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR TO FIND OUT IF THERE ARE CONTRA-INDICATIONS FOR ANY HEALTH REGIMEN YOU UNDERTAKE. But if not, then here are the contents and the defense:
It enters your bloodstream through the pores, nasal passages and mouth. It then absorbs the nutrients that would have otherwise fed all your various body parts. It has been noted by physicians that the end result is a weakened immune system as your body is not getting the nutrition necessary to maintain it.
There are many anti-fungul foods that will destroy this toxin before it starves you of vital nutrients.
RAW GARLIC (put it in a veggie smoothie - I'll post a yummy recipe in the "Eat This to LIVE!!!' photo section.
FRESH CILANTRO (Excellent seasoning, but BE CERTAIN NOT to overcook it or your food. If you can't put your finger in the food without pulling it out? Your food is DEAD. Dead food is only for DEAD PEOPLE. That's why Meat, Dairy, Eggs and Cheese are an IMMUNE FUNCTION ENEMY!)
MAITAKE AND SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS (Excellent anti-fungal, along with their ability to lower your blood cholesterol. One of the advantages of natural remedies over Bull in a China Shop medicines. Natural HEALS LOADS. Unnatural KILLS ALL.
TEA TREE OIL INHALANT if the fungus enters your lungs. If you have had a nagging cough, first, EAT HEALTHY, but you can add 3 to 4 drops to 1 cup of boiling water and inhale for 5 to 10 minutes.
Aluminum passes the Blood Brain Barrier as Our bodies don't recognize it as a toxin. It then, as a METAL, interferes with the normal communication between neuron cells VITAL for memory and, uh, EVERYTHING ELSE!!! Thus Alzheimer's is seeded by the presence of this material.
Wonderfully, the ingestion of Essential Fatty Acids will PUSH the aluminum out of your brain, pass your skull and INTO YOUR HAIR. Really!!!! Also chelating protocols such as Ozone Therapy, EDTA, Chlorella and Diatomaceous Clay, attach to all metals and flush them out with normal sweating, urination and bowel movements.
A carcinogen, barrium interferes with your body's absorption of potassium, thus causing muscle weakness that can lead to heart palpitations.
4. TITANIUM, MAGNESIUM (all heavy metals)
Again, chelation is the best defense. And don't just chelate once and think you are done. Consider it a bath for the inside of your body. Goodness, just imagine if you stopped BATHING?!!! Whew!
Now, given that magnesium is a necessary supplement, aiding in the absorption of Vitamin C, why is it in this manifestation a toxin? Well, in these chemtrails it is absorbed WITH ALUMINUM. That combination FORMS BLOOD CLOTS in your veins and arteries, leading to clogs and thus heart failure! So, on top of chelation, blood thinning is a MUST, though if you are on medication, especially blood thinners, you can get a cut and your blood will be so thin, it won't clot. Very Dangerous. Check with your physician first. If you eat a Healthy Vegan Diet, you'll be able to ween yourself off those liver killing medications, steadily.
Friday, February 25, 2011
This Hollywierd depiction of Our BELOVED ANCESTOR minimizes the BREADTH AND PROFUNDITY of the Actual First Physician's influence on the World of Healing. He treated THOUSANDS of Our People, and shared his Attuned Learning through Observation and Listening with any who requested his Knowledge. Yet, after diagnosing Hundreds of conditions that he painstakingly described and cured himself? He advised in this famous quote, "LET YOUR FOOD BE YOUR MEDICINE AND YOUR MEDICINE BE YOUR FOOD."
Health is very Basic, Our Venerated Elder Ancestor KNEW and practiced. And Western Medicine, a direct offshoot of Imhotep's Founding Principles, DOES advise Us to eat Healthy, but?
When You show up at their office, sick from bad choices?
That's when they turn The Father of Medicine into a CARTOON CARICATURE.
A Wise You should follow the advice of the REAL DOCTOR. He and Your FOOD will save YOUR LIFE.
I propose that Our Black Scientists develop a medication that will relieve white people of their nature towards shallow pursuits and enticements, at all COST, of even the Planet ITSELF.
It is simply that the constant barrage of media that depicts them as heroes when in truth, the vast majority are brainless participants in a system that they themselves acknowledge is destroying all life - that constant barrage is completely divergent from who they choose to be, consistently. Even the one or two 'nice' ones.
In white medicine, that would easily qualify as a DISORDER, to engage in activity that brings ruin to all unlucky enough to be within range of said non-productive behavior. And yet? More evidence that white people are beyond self-remedy as they will happily recommend brain-numbing medicine for Your child, but would never put 2 and 2 together to numb their Evil within.
So, Black Doctors, Scientists, Nutritionists? Can you PRETTY PLEASE HELP THESE 'p'EOPLE OUT of being OUT OF THEIR MINDS SOCIOPATHS? Yes. Our Brilliance could do it. But?
Would whitey trust US as much as We trust them? We trust Sociopaths.
Now Black Doctors, there's a WHOLE NUTHER Ailment......
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
What is FAMILY?
All day long, everday, up and down Facebook, Black Folks be claiming Family of People they may have never even met, as if they grew up right in the same household. Are We MAD, as this Alienating Copy of Our Original Civilization would have Us Believe? Trusting in 'Strangers'? Western Sinvilization would have Us Trust in a Paradigm that encourages DISTRUST of not merely non-direct Blood related Persons, but DISTRUST even of Our OWN Flesh of Our Flesh Kinfolk. Should We succumb to a DOUBT of the SINCERITY of Our Connection and COMMITMENT to EACH OTHER, as if there is no greater Truth that bridges the cruel conclusions of a Cruel society? Even if a bunch of Our Extended Family is CRITICALLY WOUNDED and thus rendered Dysfunctional and potentially Harmful to Us ALL, should We consider calling each other 'Family' a cute affectation at best, a disingenuous falsehood at worst?
Well. My, my. Given the FACT that upon this FB Public WALL (as pertinent as the most ancient of Open Forums, which were once upon a time used to share and support Collective FORGING) - given the fact that upon here EACH DANGED DAY you will find MORE testament to Our steadfast DETERMINATION to speak with Love, Concern and Understanding (and YOU KNOW THAT'S TRUE as you can SEE IT on Our Black Pages ALL OVER THE PLACE!! Despite white people's media depiction of Us as Beastial, We EMBRACE the DIRE NEED FOR HEALING!), given THAT? Is this NOT the Modus Operandi of SUCCESSFUL FAMILY COOPERATION? Is this NOT INSPIRATIONAL??!!!
And given the FACT that I personally, with my Beloved King, am raising Our Sun to be respectful to Your own Beloved Suns, Daughters, and Venerated Elders? To LOVE HIS FELLOW BLACK BROTHERS as HE LOVES HIMSELF; to HONOR HIS BLACK SISTERS as the GODDESSES THAT THEY ARE; to LISTEN to the POWER PACKED LIBRARIES of Our WISE ELEVATED ELDERLY BRETHREN, AND to K-N-O-W not to believe the lies told about ANY OF US -
e-v-e-n if those Lies are Confirmed by the occasional, or FREQUENTLY occuring Brother, Sister or Senior?
Given the FACT that from YOU and YOURS, the FUTURE WIFE my Sun shall choose, and Hopefully with the same LOVE, CARE and PATIENT CONSIDERATION that his Mother and Father chose each other, and that We have raised him with? With the MIGHT that We, his Parents have instilled, so that He may CHERISH the WORK THAT YOU HAVE INVESTED IN YOUR MAGNIFICENT GEM OF ONE DAY WOMANHOOD?! And this to be repeated for Our Grandchildren and there into Perpetuity?
Given that My Immortality is Manifested WITH You?
'Family' is such a Tiny Word, indeed.....
All day long, everday, up and down Facebook, Black Folks be claiming Family of People they may have never even met, as if they grew up right in the same household. Are We MAD, as this Alienating Copy of Our Original Civilization would have Us Believe? Trusting in 'Strangers'? Western Sinvilization would have Us Trust in a Paradigm that encourages DISTRUST of not merely non-direct Blood related Persons, but DISTRUST even of Our OWN Flesh of Our Flesh Kinfolk. Should We succumb to a DOUBT of the SINCERITY of Our Connection and COMMITMENT to EACH OTHER, as if there is no greater Truth that bridges the cruel conclusions of a Cruel society? Even if a bunch of Our Extended Family is CRITICALLY WOUNDED and thus rendered Dysfunctional and potentially Harmful to Us ALL, should We consider calling each other 'Family' a cute affectation at best, a disingenuous falsehood at worst?
Well. My, my. Given the FACT that upon this FB Public WALL (as pertinent as the most ancient of Open Forums, which were once upon a time used to share and support Collective FORGING) - given the fact that upon here EACH DANGED DAY you will find MORE testament to Our steadfast DETERMINATION to speak with Love, Concern and Understanding (and YOU KNOW THAT'S TRUE as you can SEE IT on Our Black Pages ALL OVER THE PLACE!! Despite white people's media depiction of Us as Beastial, We EMBRACE the DIRE NEED FOR HEALING!), given THAT? Is this NOT the Modus Operandi of SUCCESSFUL FAMILY COOPERATION? Is this NOT INSPIRATIONAL??!!!
And given the FACT that I personally, with my Beloved King, am raising Our Sun to be respectful to Your own Beloved Suns, Daughters, and Venerated Elders? To LOVE HIS FELLOW BLACK BROTHERS as HE LOVES HIMSELF; to HONOR HIS BLACK SISTERS as the GODDESSES THAT THEY ARE; to LISTEN to the POWER PACKED LIBRARIES of Our WISE ELEVATED ELDERLY BRETHREN, AND to K-N-O-W not to believe the lies told about ANY OF US -
e-v-e-n if those Lies are Confirmed by the occasional, or FREQUENTLY occuring Brother, Sister or Senior?
Given the FACT that from YOU and YOURS, the FUTURE WIFE my Sun shall choose, and Hopefully with the same LOVE, CARE and PATIENT CONSIDERATION that his Mother and Father chose each other, and that We have raised him with? With the MIGHT that We, his Parents have instilled, so that He may CHERISH the WORK THAT YOU HAVE INVESTED IN YOUR MAGNIFICENT GEM OF ONE DAY WOMANHOOD?! And this to be repeated for Our Grandchildren and there into Perpetuity?
Given that My Immortality is Manifested WITH You?
'Family' is such a Tiny Word, indeed.....
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tonight, I'm pinch hitting for my Beloved Sis-STAR Queen Hashima Morgan on The Hashima Morgan Show. All on Harambee Radio @http://www.harambeeradio.com/ @ 8:00 pm-9:00 pm
The Hashima Morgan Show
Durham , North Carolina
Tonight join hosts Ajali Shabazz & Ife Johari Uhuru as they introduce you to: The S.T.E.P. program
The S.T.E.P. Program was founded over 10 years ago, by Brother Kenyatta, as a direct action to ensure young Black Men, from the ages of 6 and upward, were not disconnected from knowledge nor the vision of their past, present and future. Over that time period, the program has ushered 100+ boys in the Afrikan Honored Tradition of Rites of Passage to Manhood. Not a single participant, even those from troubled backgrounds have fallen into the traps set up to siphon the Lifeblood of Our Young Brothers - i.e. PRISON, DRUGS, and DEATH. 98% of the attendees have gone on to college, and just this past summer, 2 of our sons were the only selected teenagers from the entire city of Newark to take part in a Princeton University Summer Program for Gifted Youth. More than just an afterschool basketball boys' club, The S.T.E.P. Program has become one cornerstone to building Our Greatest Pyramid.
Tonight with us is Brother Zaahir Muhammad, who has been working relentlessly within the organization for the past 3 years. We will discuss the CRITICAL necessity of teaching Our future CHAMPIONS, Our Children the Truth about who they are and that although We come from a Mighty People, becoming even MORE is in all of Our Hands, TODAY.
The Hashima Morgan Show
Durham , North Carolina
Tonight join hosts Ajali Shabazz & Ife Johari Uhuru as they introduce you to: The S.T.E.P. program
The S.T.E.P. Program was founded over 10 years ago, by Brother Kenyatta, as a direct action to ensure young Black Men, from the ages of 6 and upward, were not disconnected from knowledge nor the vision of their past, present and future. Over that time period, the program has ushered 100+ boys in the Afrikan Honored Tradition of Rites of Passage to Manhood. Not a single participant, even those from troubled backgrounds have fallen into the traps set up to siphon the Lifeblood of Our Young Brothers - i.e. PRISON, DRUGS, and DEATH. 98% of the attendees have gone on to college, and just this past summer, 2 of our sons were the only selected teenagers from the entire city of Newark to take part in a Princeton University Summer Program for Gifted Youth. More than just an afterschool basketball boys' club, The S.T.E.P. Program has become one cornerstone to building Our Greatest Pyramid.
Tonight with us is Brother Zaahir Muhammad, who has been working relentlessly within the organization for the past 3 years. We will discuss the CRITICAL necessity of teaching Our future CHAMPIONS, Our Children the Truth about who they are and that although We come from a Mighty People, becoming even MORE is in all of Our Hands, TODAY.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
What if there is a Movement towards WELLNESS that is growing, one by lonely one, across the length and breadth of this and all other Nation s? What if there are growing ranks of individuals who no longer want to dance at their own funeral, before it has happened, as if they will continue dancing once it commences?
Do you think white people WOULD TELL US ON THEIR MONEY CONTROLLED MEDIA???!! What movies do they show Black Men in but as Cross Dressers and Desperately needing whitey approval? Unless it is a comedy on their Tell-Lie-a-Vision? Do those Neilson Ratings ever offer a reason to be patient with a newborn program about the DEPTH of the Black SOUL? Not some CARICATURE, but has anyone with money ever financed and heavily promoted the TRUTH about US?
Pretty easy to answer all that. Simple 2+2. So why should We think that they would ever discuss Our Decision to FREE OURSELVES?
Don't wait for them to tell you that's it's Time to LIVE. Go ahead, God. Become the ETERNITY of MIGHTINESS that You are MEANT TO BE and make the choices that Suit Your ORIGIN. Yes. Take Our Father's word for it. Not theirs.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
NATION - Never Again
I speak as a Former Kumbaya-ist that once, long ago, had never heard of Dr. Henrik Clarke, or Cheikh Anta Diop. I never knew anything good about Black Revolutionaries that I had heard of, unless whitey said they were 'alright' and taught me about them, in one second in schools that brewed my insanity. Speaking as a Former Kumabaya-ist, I never heard of even MYSELF, let alone of YOU. Speaking as a Former Insane Black Person, I shall NOW never Forget....
What if Black Men ran the world like white men? If they were destroying the very Earth itself, along with all the creatures and Hue-man Beings who populate it. Would We, Black People, be INSULTED if the disenfranchised - by Our Biblically Proportioned GREED - called Us on it?
Would We call them, without even considering all their points, would We call them 'sensitive'? Would We hate them, or would We be angry at Ourselves?
Well. Let's check those history books for the last time We were in charge. I think whitey calls it Afrika, a place where he found (VERY unlike in his hometown Europe) absolutely no poverty, no prisons by the time his late to the party no butt self showed up. I know We called it HEAVEN. And I know Our Time is coming AGAIN, and it's expression will NEVER look like what they have ravaged Our existence with, over this, the close, of their 6,000 year reign.
We are Not at ALL white people, so ANY comparison, thereof, is MOOT.
Would We call them, without even considering all their points, would We call them 'sensitive'? Would We hate them, or would We be angry at Ourselves?
Well. Let's check those history books for the last time We were in charge. I think whitey calls it Afrika, a place where he found (VERY unlike in his hometown Europe) absolutely no poverty, no prisons by the time his late to the party no butt self showed up. I know We called it HEAVEN. And I know Our Time is coming AGAIN, and it's expression will NEVER look like what they have ravaged Our existence with, over this, the close, of their 6,000 year reign.
We are Not at ALL white people, so ANY comparison, thereof, is MOOT.
NATION - Do Not Remove
Well into adulthood, I didn't cut these obstructive tags off my bedding. At first because I thought with the mind of a child, and as such, I had the immature worry that if I did? Some official person would come to arrest me. Later, it had became a habit I just got used to, never even considering that this small part of my life could be ALL MINE. I would place the pillow or comforter in a position so I needn't see the tag's Ugliness until I had to change the linens once more.
Now? I cut these off, and have done the same to the LARGER ASSUMPTION, the automatic REFLEX, that Western Falsities of Governance are beyond question. This is the FINAL MIND TAG that MUST BE REMOVED.
Now? I cut these off, and have done the same to the LARGER ASSUMPTION, the automatic REFLEX, that Western Falsities of Governance are beyond question. This is the FINAL MIND TAG that MUST BE REMOVED.
NATION - Bad Idea Not to Be Careful for What You Wish....
The Zionist Jews who picked Palestine as a homeland, (since occupying that nation seemed more marketable a Lie than their original consideration of Uganda. Uh, Uganda?!! What the HECK were they THINKING, there? See! These cats are NOT GOD, no matter HOW HARD they TRY), these War Criminals have patience that would make Job envious. These Depraved Cats can CERTAINLY plan through the GENERATIONS.
Such as, this recent Mubarak step down is a Diversionary CROCK, as they have just replaced him with the bought and paid for MILITARY. And all that mess that Facebook and Twitter caused this 'revolution' is also a diversionary CROCK made to make Us feel that We can stay home, type on Our computers and CHANGE will just HAPPEN. Derriere squashing in an easy chair doesn't bring on revolution. DEPRAVATION and BRUTALITY DO. And Egypt's attempt has just been handed a checkmate, as for them to continue protesting with this media hyped 'Compromise'? Now the Strengthened Military can call them FANATICS and TERRORISTS ("Those People are SO UNREASONABLE!"), and start MOWING THEM DOWN! The real Egyptians, I have it on first hand testimony, are STILL PISSED OFF, only MORE SO, and yet?
They're gonna have to go back to work, right? Make that money to feed them babies, who don't faire so well without food over a couple hundred YEARS. While the rich have nannies with endearing accents, and caviar flown in from Astrakhan, Russia. I read that they have the very BEST Beluga there.
Yup. That's how the Power Elite do it, from the street, to the courts, to the World Stage. THEY WEAR YO' IMPATIENT STARVIN' ARSE OUT, while We keep spending Our money to buy their TV's and Cell Phones!!
Hmmmmm? Now THERE'S a Plan..... (^^)
Such as, this recent Mubarak step down is a Diversionary CROCK, as they have just replaced him with the bought and paid for MILITARY. And all that mess that Facebook and Twitter caused this 'revolution' is also a diversionary CROCK made to make Us feel that We can stay home, type on Our computers and CHANGE will just HAPPEN. Derriere squashing in an easy chair doesn't bring on revolution. DEPRAVATION and BRUTALITY DO. And Egypt's attempt has just been handed a checkmate, as for them to continue protesting with this media hyped 'Compromise'? Now the Strengthened Military can call them FANATICS and TERRORISTS ("Those People are SO UNREASONABLE!"), and start MOWING THEM DOWN! The real Egyptians, I have it on first hand testimony, are STILL PISSED OFF, only MORE SO, and yet?
They're gonna have to go back to work, right? Make that money to feed them babies, who don't faire so well without food over a couple hundred YEARS. While the rich have nannies with endearing accents, and caviar flown in from Astrakhan, Russia. I read that they have the very BEST Beluga there.
Yup. That's how the Power Elite do it, from the street, to the courts, to the World Stage. THEY WEAR YO' IMPATIENT STARVIN' ARSE OUT, while We keep spending Our money to buy their TV's and Cell Phones!!
Hmmmmm? Now THERE'S a Plan..... (^^)
I'm Black. My Mother and Father are and were Black. My Brother and Sister are Black. My Husband, Black. My Child, the same. I am not concerned with what white people do, other than get out of Our way.
We Beloved Triple Black Queens have such GLORIOUS FAITH in The Creator, but nearly NONE in the MIGHTY BEAUTY of Our own God Given GIFTS.
You are the Blessed Daughter of GOD, Himself and must DEMAND the LOVE that HONORS Your DIVINE LINEAGE. Have FAITH that Your Father gave You all that You NEED to win the LOVE of Your ONE TRUE KING.
You'll never know if You display all Your Jewels and thus THROW THEM BEFORE MERE SWINE. Cover UP, BELOVED QUEEN! You are too Precious to toss away.....
You are the Blessed Daughter of GOD, Himself and must DEMAND the LOVE that HONORS Your DIVINE LINEAGE. Have FAITH that Your Father gave You all that You NEED to win the LOVE of Your ONE TRUE KING.
You'll never know if You display all Your Jewels and thus THROW THEM BEFORE MERE SWINE. Cover UP, BELOVED QUEEN! You are too Precious to toss away.....
Our overall Strength and Health DEMANDS realizing that sickness is MOST WELCOMED by the POWERLESS SOUL. He who has nothing looks to find a Redeeming Reflection, a sense of SELF-PRIDE and thus a wish that the reality around him PERPETUATE itself so he can FIGHT another day. However, if when the Powerless Soul sees the surrounding society - if what he finds looks like Him and is in CHAOS? He then becomes one who succumbs to a Sense of Defeat that PHYSICALLY POISONS every Organ, every Action. He will choose Trivial, Momentary PLEASURES over STRATEGIZED FORGING of the Future. He is overcome by the apparent reality of his weakness as he is, obviously, only one mere INDIVIDUAL, easily overcome by fear of a Cruel Reality. He is the Solitary SOUL WHO HAS NOTHING OF HIS OWN to latch onto; nothing for which He will JOYFULLY FIGHT to MAINTAIN, or that will fight to maintain him. He will NOT become a STRENGTH to Himself and/or His COMMUNITY which IS his NATION as he has no comfort from his Nation. For a United People does not abandon or exploit You. It Protects Your existence because without You, it is NOTHING.
The land wasn't stolen from Us, the Nation. WE, THE NATION, THE TRUE MIGHT of a mere Territory, WAS STOLEN FROM THE LAND.
NATION - What Does a Nation Do for its Leaders?
Martin Luther King wasn't assassinated by the U.S. Government because he was a militant radical, advocating for the demolition of the prevailing structure. No. Why whitey even uses him as their None to SUBTLE suggestion to Us on the best agreeable white-lovin' stance to assume, even though when one reads King's writings, it's OBVIOUS that he never let them off the hook for doing ISH.
No. The United States, in collaboration with undercover operatives (who I shall not name here, but you may know a couple already), they killed him because he forgot that he was still a slave.
In his last months alive, Reverend King was speaking out against the Vietnam War and had begun to address the plight of poor people, both here and worldwide. He had even met with The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and other Afrikan leaders in moves to forge Politically Strong Alliances. He was planning and thinking as a Free Man does. As if he can CHOOSE. He still didn't call for “Death to All Crackers!” Nope. But he called for Humanity, across all divisions, even economic and cultural.
But in the U.S. it's okay to champion perpetual slavery, with no right to Self-Determination - in the useless hope that sitting next to Light Deflectors will make them like Us like they LOVE themselves - but it is NOT okay to realize and thus ACTUALIZE that We ALREADY ARE a Nation, with common interests and objectives. That We have a vested Interest to Protect each other's right to just BE.
Now isn't it interesting that no one in the mainstream media, today, talks about helping the poor, worldwide, unless it's Bill Gates who confesses, on camera, that he wants to REDUCE their population! Talking about UNITING the poor NEVER happens with Credibility and/or the same sense of URGENT MORALITY, brought by the UNDENIABLE MLK. It seems We have all been trained how to be acquiescent chattel, perhaps better than any cattle would have a mind to so consciously mold. The cow doesn't defend his slaughter, but We surely do, every time We put on this country's uniform or swing its flag. We defend the murderers of All Our Leaders who dared to Reach Out to Our Afrikan Brethren, rich AND poor.
Martin Luther King wasn't shot because he was a revolutionary; but because he was FREE. If he had had a FREE US to watch his back, he just might have lived to be Our Wise Venerated Elder, and OH SO PROUD He would have been of Our STRENGTH and?
So would We be of OURSELVES.
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