Saturday, September 8, 2012


We began our relationship OVERWHELMED by a flood of EXUBERANCE. Both my husband and I confessed that our fall into love felt like plunging into an ocean with no fear of drowning. We waxed eloquently for hours on end about what we meant to each other.

But that's not necessary anymore. It took me some time to accept this evolution of Our love, as I had learned a Hollyweird version of what True Love looks like. Endless Syrupi-ness. That's a problem for a Real Black Man, cause? My husband issssss a MAN, not Dustin Hoffman in Blackface. He CAN TALK, and very WELL, to the degree that he ASTONISHES ME REGULARLY when he does, but? Whatever he says, including the most poignant confessions of continuing love for me? He tends to get out in 3 sentences or less. He's so efficient that even I don't require more. 

Now some Men are natural poets who can make a rose garden actually smell like a NYC Subway tunnel, but most Men? Kinda like the quiet of just


Whoa. I had never tried THAT before, at any point in my life. I mean I have been enjoying my life for a couple steady decades now, however it's been with a WHOLE LOT OF TALKING!!!!! But here I am in a MARRIAGE that looks like, LOOKS LIKE and FEEEEEEEEELS LIKE it's made by Allah to LAST. To continue droning on about the OBVIOUS, well, even to me, that started to seem a bit RIDICULOUSLY REDUNDANT. I don't neeeeeeeed continuous affirmation as our love is oh so THERE and I realize, as Hollyweird movies deliberately don't convey - I am not in a union with my TWIN, cause I ain't a Lesbian, and my husband isn't a Homo. We married and have risen HIGHER by learning how to love beyond Our limited realms. He has increased his healthy food intake with my gentle reminder that his presence in our family is PRECIOUS. While EYE? I may be more communicative, but my husband?

He just lives.


So? I allowed myself to learn from him, and it's even MORE BLISSFULLY PEACEFUL than constantly talking. Who KNEW? I'm in the kitchen or the diningroom or whichever room with him drinking in the presence of him, all to myself, and it makes it feel even more INTENSE. Cause it's not a temporary, or even a HOPE for a committed relationship. It is


No need to keep stating the obvious, though every now and then, when we do, it is so much more profound cause there's NOT A DOUBT. There's Nothing to prove to each other cause our proof is our very  Life, together.

Yes. This kind of silence is worth the wait, and the passing up of every fool before I met a Man who is confident being my King, and I as his one and only Queen.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Face it. You have a diagnostic high tech digestive system that will LET YOU KNOW when somethin' ain't right within. Your very serotonin level (that's the PRIMARY HAPPINESS HORMONE) is 95% created in YOUR GUT!!!! So should Your innards be infested with toxic CRAP, so compacted it no longer can process the steady onslaught, cause it's CLOGGED? Your whole body is then a TOXIC DUMPSITE, not only making Three Mile Island look like the a tropical paradise, but making You feel like


But how can You tell for sure that Your entire Immune System is under siege, too weak to combat a growing legion of Cancer Cells, and other debilitative malfunctions? You can't slice open Your gut and most Western medical tests don't detect little cancerous growths, till the tumor is so big the doctor could pay You for confirming what his test finally picked up, 2 days before You've died.

More accurate evidence of something wrong is in YOUR POOOOOOOOP. Ideally? You shouldn't be passin' or straining to get logs complete with smelly wildlife out Your shooter. You MUST (notice I didn't say 'should') You MUST reach the optimum of crap elimination of 20 minutes to an hour after EVERY MEAL!!!!

Yeah. I know some of You ain't seen a good dump in so long, You took pictures of Your last one. Hope Your family will look so fondly on photos of You after You pass on, too. But in case You don't like that idea, read on, as...

EATING DEAD STUFF SHOULD BE WHAT YOU BURY BEFORE ANYONE BURIES YOU, and I'mma tell You frank, ain't no hamburger on the EARTH as sweet as having co-operative fecal matter. Ideally, that's a soft, mushy (not diarrhetic) mass that flows out with NO pleading or begging on Your part. And? IT PRETTY MUCH DOESN'T STINK.

Yeah, that's RIIIIIGHT!! You can tell Folks, "My &%#@ don't stink," and You wouldn't be lying!!! Your sweat will also be a whole bunch less biological weapon grade.

How to achieve THAT? Well, carcass foods and byproducts are INFESTED WITH ROT. Eat 'em and they pass the gift onto YOU, where Your body is left to find any visible exit route to get rid of that, um?


Even overcooked vegetation is a literal graveyard, only slightly better because it still does contain FIBER,whereas meat and meat byproducts has NONE. You got a toothbrush? Well Fiber is Your GUTBRUSH. And Living Food, with the living enzymes that help Your body digest the nutrients, soothing Your hunger pangs (You meat eaters are truly weaker as Your body goes on strike if You miss one lousy meal. Geez. What kinda nonsense thinking having a frantically starving body that cries for food cause what you eat has nothing, what kind of STRENGTH IS THAT?) - the living food also comes without the hetracyclic sludge that clogs Your system, which are a byproduct of overheating ANYTHING. The remaining fiber brushes out the material that INEVITABLY gets stuck in all those crevices. This is how one knows We Hue-mans are NOT carnivores nor even omnivores, as those creatures have SHORT INTESTINES. Our food is meant to be digested SLOWLY, whereas a lion's body knows it's eating FESTERING FLESH and gets that garbage out in QUICK TIME. Carnivores and Omnivores Die in quick time, too as digesting rot is hard on a body. Not that that should bother the stonecold Dead Flesh Lovers who prefer a chicken dinner to life.

Fasting is another MUST in achieving truly Gorgeous Dung. The juice fast can target specific organs, or a general water fast can flush (no pun intended, kinda) out massive quantities of imbedded refuse stuck in fatty tissue. I don't recommend COLONICS, as that flushes out EVERYTHING, and You need that good gut flora to keep the bad in check. Do cleansing enemas instead with filtered or distilled water while fasting. Distilled is best. And when starting a fast, reduce food intake slowly the day before, and return to eating just as slowly the day after.

Now, a simple Thank You will suffice for me for helping You achieve Beauty Pageant Level Dumps. PLEASE, I know I want You have Pretty Healthy Turds, but if You send me a picture? You are INSTANTLY BANNED FROM THE PAGE, PERMANENTLY. Don't try coming back. See? I Love You, but

not that much. Nobody but You can or should ever Love You like You need to be in order to have Your insides as Squeezably FRESH as Your out.

Peace and Blessed Multiple Daily and Easy Releases.

Monday, September 3, 2012



I'm having an AFFAIR. But, No! Not and NEVER an illicit one with another Man. This affair is HEALING for myself and my entire Family, and the object of my Fiery PASSION is the 


I have just Fallen DEEEEEEP in LOVE with all this fruit/nut/seed/drupe (it's ALL of those) does, and it's many Uses. Ever hear of those tales of a stranded man who makes everything from a couple coconut trees, 100 variations of coconut meals to a 3 story mansion hut? Well? Seeing how I sweeten with its actually HEALTHY palm sugar (tasty just like white sugar with none of the diabetes), seeing how I boost my exercise routines with Coconut Water, and have eliminated my once 3 times a year NASTY Cold Sore with Coconut Oil (I put it in my smoothies and it killed a stomach virus that was making the rounds in my home) - PLUS, I gotta try Coconut FLOUR? Well, I wouldn't be surprised if my husband didn't get just a little bit jealous. But?

THIS HEALING IS SHARE-ABLE!!! Whew. What Selfish Person couldn't share all that this MIGHTY SUPERFOOD DOES!!!! ~~~~~~~~

• Kills viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, hepatitis C, SARS, AIDS, and other illnesses.

 Kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, gum disease and cavities, pneumonia, and gonorrhea, and other diseases.

 Kills fungi and yeasts that cause candidiasis, ringworm, athlete’s foot, thrush, diaper rash, and other infections.

 Expels or kills tapeworms, lice, giardia, and other parasites.

 Provides a nutritional source of quick energy.

 Boosts energy and endurance, enhancing physical and athletic performance.

 Improves digestion and absorption of other nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

 Improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose.

 Relieves stress on pancreas and enzyme systems of the body.

 Reduces symptoms associated with pancreatitis.

 Helps relieve symptoms and reduce health risks associated with diabetes.

 Reduces problems associated with malabsorption syndrome and cystic fibrosis.

 Improves calcium and magnesium absorption and supports the development of strong bones and teeth

 Helps protect against osteoporosis.

 Helps relieve symptoms associated with gallbladder disease.

 Relieves symptoms associated with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and stomach ulcers.

 Improves digestion and bowel function.

 Relieves pain and irritation caused by hemorrhoids.

 Reduces inflammation.

 Supports tissue healing and repair.

 Supports and aids immune system function.

 Helps protect the body from breast, colon, and other cancers.

 Is heart healthy; improves cholesterol ratio reducing risk of heart disease.

 Protects arteries from injury that causes atherosclerosis and thus protects against heart disease.

 Helps prevent periodontal disease and tooth decay.

 Functions as a protective antioxidant.

 Helps to protect the body from harmful free radicals that promote premature aging and degenerative disease.

 Does not deplete the body’s antioxidant reserves like other oils do.

 Improves utilization of essential fatty acids and protects them from oxidation.

 Helps relieve symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome.

 Relieves symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate enlargement).

 Reduces epileptic seizures.

 Helps protect against kidney disease and bladder infections.

 Dissolves kidney stones.

 Helps prevent liver disease.

 Is lower in calories than all other fats.

 Supports thyroid function.

 Promotes loss of excess weight by increasing metabolic rate.

 Is utilized by the body to produce energy in preference to being stored as body fat like other dietary fats.

 Helps prevent obesity and overweight problems.

 Applied topically helps to form a chemical barrier on the skin to ward of infection.

 Reduces symptoms associated the psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis.

 Supports the natural chemical balance of the skin.

 Softens skin and helps relieve dryness and flaking.

 Prevents wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots.

 Promotes healthy looking hair and complexion.

 Provides protection form damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation form the sun.

 Helps control dandruff.

 Does not form harmful by-products when heated to normal cooking temperature like other vegetable oils do.

 Has no harmful or discomforting side effects.

 Is completely non-toxic to humans.

Now. I doubt You made it to the bottom of this list, cause after reading even half of it, You've run off to get Yourself some COCONUTS. Look at U havin' an affair!  OOooOOoooOOOOooOOO!!! I'm TELLLLLLIN' Your spouse, unless You share....

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Why commit, Beloved Black Brothers, when it's so much more physically pleasurable to sample all the flowers of the garden? Because SHE is no transitory and thus inconsequential bloom of no benefit to UUUUU. She is Your p-r-o-o-f that YOU can keep Your WORD. Remember Allah fashioned Existence from a single Word so POWERFUL, so TRUE, He is the Alpha and the Omega.

She, Black First Born Son of the MIGHTIEST OF MEN, is a test of Your ability to See BEYOND the flesh into a promise to do Your BEST because standing by her is Your FINEST LESSON PLAN. Weathering the storms of the trivial to finalize the Magnificent is Your exact DIRECTIONS on how to become more than the Image within. How to graduate into Your Own Singular Divine POWER to spread that Image OUTWARD, where it seeds original Creation with RESONATING, CELEBRATING RECREATIONS of


Rise Yee Black Gods, given the deepest of challenges, as HE put her here to help You Achieve.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


He just keeps CONFIRMING what I've been spellin' out for 2 and a half YEARS, since I came to Facebook. First he agrees that he hasn't and never will do CRAP for Black People, ANYWHERE, except kill 'em or encourage them to kill each other - confirmed that by saying, "I ain't the president of Black America." Whatever Black 'America' is, as it's not much suffering from government without REPRESENTATION, and yet Black Folks will vo
te in favor of their oppression for the first time in history. Oh, and yes I put that 'ain't' word in, poetically.

But there's not a word I need add to Obama's lastest revelation to decide that he reads the posts on ABFH. MY! (^^) I'm soooooo FLATTERED, cause at least I have ONE reader. I'm not mad at him for not 'Liking' the threads, as most Folks are scared of what I share, though I don't make that up, either.

So, in case You missed it, here's Our Sorta Black-like But Not Really Even Slightly Black President pleading with the ECU to KEEP GREECE IN THE ZONE UNTIL THE U.S. ELECTIONS. smh. Why is that CONFIRMATION of ANYTHANG I've said?

Cause if this whole JAMMA weren't expected to come crashing DOWN HAAAAAARD, especially when Greece sinks like the Titanic, taking all those Children of Satan banks down in it's massive debt wake? Remember, the Devil eats his OWN. If DOOM weren't a CERTAINTY?

Um... like I said?

Then Obama wouldn't care when Greece gets the first tombstone carved out for a country in the 21st Century. But OBVIOUSLY Obama knows!!! Hmmmmm? Maybe he knows from reading it here?

That the U.S. of A(fraid Sheople) will be getting an even BIGGER TOMBSTONE as this country is in more debt than almost all the other countries COMBINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lemme add a few more exclamations to emphasize this, as Amerikkka's debt is really, REALLY BIG...


Maybe one more.... !

Psssst. Hope he isn't reading this part, as just between me and u? Don't wait for somebody who has demonstrated nothing but CONTEMPT for Real Black You to let You know when it's time to get on the last Lifeboat. Go build Your own, and NOW....

There's an Iceberg, DEAD AHEAD....

You + Her + Him + Me + Us EQUALS...

the WE that DOES.

We, the Awakening Ones are no longer as We once were, and some? Have always been there, despite seeing the PAINS in Our Fellow Black Brothers and Sisters that this Slut-ture teaches is beyond Our trouble. 

"Don't bother" WE are told, "You can't help them."

But, facing odds, generation after generation that make the majority crumble their yearn for Justice under the turning pages of history - instead, We recognize this is WAR and no accident. We reach out with IRREFUTABLE POWERS OF KNOWLEDGE, which have been made impossible to find for most, and unbelievable to nearly all. We stretch with all Our might, not because We think We'll win, but because WE


and cannot do WithOUT that which makes Our small lives worth the enduring.

W-E, The Awakening Ones, continue that Fight that others sit out from birth through an early demise that is only confirmed by flesh which decades later, sloughs off when the heartbeat agrees it is time to quit hoping its leader will finally take charge. Within, each DETERMINED ONE of that WE, are GODS that Western Sin-ciety can only mythologize as SuperHeroes, as not possible, as unreal as witches and warlocks. Yet, for those We reach?

Our sharing of TRUTH is the gift of Life Itself. One Resurrected Black Mind at a time.....

Saturday, August 25, 2012


I've got an INJURY. Yup. Have NO PAIN, me. (^^) Not critical, but persistent and it's stopping me from my WONDERFUL RUNS. It's a muscle pull, or strain, or something. Not a tear, but, I'm not a physician and can't afford one to pinpoint the source of the PAIN. That's  one of the reasons I educate myself about healing, cause I can't run to the doctor for 'help'.

WHICH I WOULDN'T GET IT beyond the diagnosis, as the Medical Industry was taken over starting 1915 thru today due to a study called 'The Flexner Report on Medical Education', financed by The Carnegie/Rockefeller Corporations. Carnegie/Rockefeller also financed Hitler. Here, they couldn't be so OBVIOUSLY GENOCIDAL so they used The Flexner Report to strategically discredit and shut down any schools teaching alternative medicine (which those days was simply another kind of doctoring that was MORE SUCCESSFUL) while bankrolling those that taught Pharmaceutical Friendly instructions.

Well, I divert, but OH, WHAT A DAMNING DIVERSION, huh? So back to my PAIN.

See, I know BETTA than to credit my pain to my age. Nope. That is a Caveman MYTH of the aging body. I got my pain from not fasting regularly (the body slowly fills up with toxins that get stored in fatty tissue), not meditating (stress will kill U before any disease), probably eating too much gluten (I do use a touch of wheat in my baking and do I LOVE MY BAKING), and pushing fast too furiously soon in my runs. I always employ a Healthy Regime NINETY-EIGHT percent of the time, but? My body let me know it's not ENUF.

To remedy it, cause it works with the body, not AGAINST it, initially, I took STURDY, NATURAL POWERHOUSES.

Cat's Claw 
White Willow Bark
Extra Tumeric and Ginger

They worked OVERNIGHT. The next day I could run again. However. I probably still have toxin build-up since the pain only returned. So today, I've begun a 2-day water fast as after 24hrs my body will enter a state of KETOSIS, wherein it switches for sustenance from protein cells to consuming stored fat. When it eats those it'll also consume dead cells, and pollutants stuck within. I figure something in my calf muscle (that's the area) has been OVERWHELMED with lactic acid and other nasties. Fasting is the NUMBER ONE method to speed up recovery.

I'll let you know how it goes, cause though I surely am NOT growing decrepit as I grow older, I am, still, only HUEMAN!!!


Sunday, August 19, 2012


According to a second hand witness, she said,
 "It's not different from some of us black people that don't have any resent towards them there's good and bad in every race ... And I'm no less pro black then any of you ... I believe in black empowerment but slandering will not help us move forward ... What benefit to you get from dictating Who should be attracted to what or who ..... Maybe if we had more black men committing and RESPECTING more women would be attracted to black men"

Well now, isn't that GENEROUS OF HER? Here's a little problem, however. Her Blackness is what makes every organ in her body STRONGER, and judging how every sport Black People enter with a focus We wind up taking OVER, her Un-Calcified Pineal Gland is the FOUNTAIN OF DANG NEAR IMMORTALITY that white people killed BILLIONS to acquire throughout history. A lifetime of 130 to 200 STRONG years could be HERS for the asking if she or any other Black Person eats Healthy, exercises and is born, raised and exists in a Positive Energy Environment. That's not happenin' with white people perpetually in charge and convincing the idiots among Us that what We see today in Black communities, in tattered relationships between Black Men and Women, is Our Nature.

Oh, what this Queen is so cluelessly giving up, should she have the offspring of this pale man. No offense intended, only Science, but that tongue endowed huemankind is from a people with an 85% rate of CALCIFIED to near non-functional-ality Pineal Glands, which is the gland from whence an ability to feel empathy for others stems from. In cold technically accurate terms it is a form of race based brain damage, which might explain why, though there's good and bad in every people, and lots of white people I admire, that doesn't mean the scientific reasons behind HISTORY should be censored, as it has been only one people on this planet who, NON-STOP, have brought DEATH, DISEASE and OPPRESSION everywhere they go.

If she really loved her Blackness she would know it is a POWERFUL LEGACY worth FAR MORE than all the money the Rothschild could ever hope to have or find in some mythical fountain. Geez. How Our Enemy has robbed Us of not only Our Resources but of Our Self-KNOWLEDGE as You'll never find a Rothschild DUMB ENUF to throw their TRILLIONS away on the Destitute and Poor. No. Rothschilds MAKE people destitute and poor so they can have more money. It's a Calcified Pineal Gland thang.

If her future children knew what she will be denying them, if they were here, today? They'd sue her for denying them the greatest riches the earth has to offer. That's Black Self Love. Putting Your Future where Your True Wealth is...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I recently attended a REEEEEEAL WEDDING of one of my Dearest Sisters. Such a CONSCIOUS BRILLIANT QUEEN who has achieved the kind of MARTIMONIAL BOND which is the DREAM of every starry eyed little girl, who pictures her Tall, Brilliant and Dark Prince coming along. Why, one could even see, it was the dream come true of one (however secretly) starry eyed little boy grown up to be a Tall, Brilliant and Dark KING. Yes and ASE! That was a HECK of a JUBILANT UNION I was a LUCKY witness of. WOW. We should all know that such a Heaven is Possible for ANY who INSIST, as this Warrioress Sister surely DID.

Now, this is a general post, not related specifically to her or her new husband as I always talk about Committed Love....

You know how everybody, from Matrons of Honor to guests, to bride and groom, on the day of the wedding, everybody is on their BEST behavior? If one has a disagreement, the inclination is to consider the IMPORTANCE of the 


putting the occasion above that Person's individual grievance? And everybody has a MARVELOUS time, cause the ladies know, it's the BRIDE'S DAY and the gentlemen - it's the GROOM'S. Powerful Egos become soothed by the acceptance that something GREATER is at hand.

Well? Imagine extending that HEAVEN beyond the days and into the YEARS? The


A-S-E!!!!!! To Our ANCESTORS who are directing Us BACK to Our AFRIKAN SANITY!!!!! This Western Do First, Think LATER Slut-ciety has Us celebrating ONE DAY, then acting like We'll EXPLODE if all the other days We continue to think of the longterm results of acting SELFISHLY and act Considerately. Consider those around. We can still address a wrong, but if We do it with LOVING RESPECT? Why Bliss becomes as easily REEEEEEEEAL when extended with THINKING CONCERN for HARMONY.

Talk about being Selfish, for something GREATER at hand, and Lived, all the days We're on this earth. That's why they call it Heaven, cause it's Bliss that lasts for ETERNITY.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012



Her Family.

From myself to my husband, son and mother, their best doctor has been ME, SUPER GODDESS. No. I'm not a board certified physician. Have no degrees from BigPharma run medical schools that make People's brains glaze over when I talk and then take everything I say without critical thinking, without doing their OWN RESEARCH. NOPE! I have only my 

passion and love for Us that isn't interested in financial compensation, nor fake laurels. And I have my KITCHEN!!!

Can I get an 'AMEEEEEEN'?!!!! I have been a AMAZED WITNESS to the AWESOME POWER of plain, simple, LIVING foOOoooOOoooOOood. Last year my mother was going through an acute state of Senile Dementia that I spoke about, in which she was wandering the streets, fragile and hallucinating. Among the chilling visions she was CERTAIN were real, was a tub of acid that was waiting for her if she went home. Well, we FOUND her some 48hrs later, SAFE in a NYC hospital, though we live in Newark. She had spent all those hours hanging out, alone, in movie theatres on 42nd St.

FORTY EIGHT HOURS NON-STOP that a Vulnerable Elder was at the mercy of any nut around.

The whole WORLD thinks Senile Dementia and Alzheimer's (another form of SD) are IRREVERSIBLE conditions, like a textbook of others. But? It's not. Those other conditions aren't EITHER. Today, my Beloved Mother is HAPPY, AWARE and back to her old self with the help of critical nutrition she hadn't been receiving. I RESEARCHED and RESEARCHED (give it a go, URSELF) - knowing better than to trust her doctor who in sight of 10 minutes was writing out a prescription for an ANTI-PSYCHOTIC DRUG!!!! It wouldn't have cured her, would have made her zoned out and possibly SUICIDAL, which the doctor would have agreed. However, rather than admit his medicine SUCKS, he'd have said Senile Dementia is INCURABLE, a 'natural' occurrence of AGING. Thus the medicine would have been our best hope.


A Vitamin B Complex supplement, along with Flaxseed Oil (for brain essential Omega 3s), 1 TBSP organic Coconut Oil, Vitamin E, C, D3, each day, NO DEAD FLESH FOOD OR COW PUS, and when she'll agree - CoEnzyme Q10, more activity (as she can tolerate) has been her CURE, without SIDE EFFECTS!!!! No more horrifying visions that convince her the dark friendless streets of Manhattan are safer than where she is LOVED.

That's just my mom, whose years spent in a Hollywood Created 1950s Amerikkka has made it difficult to incorporate ALL THE HEALING that Our Creator made ABUNDANT. Sheesh. Adding to her MIRACULOUS RECOVERY? I'm also the Healer who has Healed MYSELF as my Herpes Simplex Cold Sore has apparently DISAPPEARED for GOOD. I'm not ashamed of that as how can I be ashamed of what no longer looks like crusted Kakkah on my upper lip every 6-10 months? I figure it's a combination of EVERYTHING I eat and supplement with, especially the Vitamin D3, Coconut Oil (massive anti-microbial), 7,000mg of Vitamin C, 3,200mg Quercitin and the LIVING FOOD!!!!! Why even my occasional outbreak of hives has been GREATLY and GREATFULLY reduced! I look forward to perfecting its cure, as I know it's out there....

Plus my son? His regular bouts of sneezing and coughing? Vitamin C (3,000mg) and Quercitin (1,680mg) and the....


have made 10yr old him a DEVOTED HEALTH PROPONENT, and freed our home of nasty booger tissues that he always forgot to discard.

My King, though? He's no Sweetie Pie Man who does whatever the little MASTRESS tells him; but being gently loving, even he isn't succumbing to the usual bouts of colds and flu. See, he is a bit of a junkfood vegan whose had a change of heart with eating more concentrated LEAFY GREENS, CRUCIFEROUS VEGGIES and FRUITS because he was getting tired of being the ONLY person in the house who was getting SICK.

Now, Beloved, when will U also be sick and tired of being sick and tired? Superhero power is waiting for U for the asking, as Gods are immune not because of magic, but because their MIGHTY FATHER has ALL that CURES.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Because it surely is VITAL that We do so, before this Caveman Culture drive Us all INSANE.

This is dear little Kameron Slade, and through no fault of his own he has been carefully guided to believing that Gay Marriage is the 'nice' thing to do. And without a doubt, this Magnificently Empathetic little boy is guided by the MADNESS around him to believe that wrong is 'nice'. And I am here to offer those who should be his SANE GUIDES, during this last gasp of the Caveman Hegemony some UNDENIABLE TRUTH that proves 'nice' without historical knowledge, critical analysis and SCIENTIFIC FAITH IN OUR CREATOR - 'nice' is evil's favorite word to describe suckers.

Homosexuality isn't even part of original Afrikan language because it wasn't even considered anymore than We have a term for scratching one's butt while walking through the vacuum of space with one's left big toe on fire. Nope. That, if a regular occurrence would require a quick description to alert one's fellow vacuum of space travelers that HELP is immediately required. I understand space fires are particularly difficult as the flame becomes a sphere that kinda rolls away when hit to try to extinguish it.

I think You get my point. You NAME what You EXPERIENCE. However in Ancient Greece, the pathetically shortlived copy of longlived FAR MORE ANCIENT BY A COUPLE 10,000 YEARS KEMET, (and bear in mind that Greece was NOT a united nationstate as We understand. Caucasians at that stage were too warlike [Sparta] to create anything more substantial than citystates) - in Greece, the place where Athens had to WRITE DOWN AFRIKAN COMMONSENSE in a thing they called 'democracy' because otherwise the Caucasians couldn't maintain a steady observance of MORAL BEHAVIOR (which is the reason all their so-called 'civilizations' are SHORTLIVED) - in Greece (yes, I'm getting to the point ^^), the white man's continued historical preference for perversions created an entire culture that 



See, I'll confirm this fact in a bit, but it confirms my point that without historical knowledge, one may embrace a foolish practice because one has been brought down to the level of those whose ability to think is rather L-I-M-I-T-E-D.

In Ancient Greece, faggotry was the PREFERRED sexual union between men. Just look at the artwork. Queers EVERYWHERE. I mean a practice has to be pretty daggone accepted to be trumpted on everyday POTTERY. Their greatest intellectuals were avowed homosexuals who viewed marriage as a necessary duty, which was only a reflection of the mindset of their countrymen - for the women of Greece were SLAVES, treated as mere birthing machines from the moment they were lucky enough to survive the disappointment of their father at the moment of their birth. Most girl babies were put out to die in the elements because their femalehood was deemed a liability. The father (the mother's wishes were not even a consideration) told the servant to find a nice exposed hill so the family (oikos) wouldn't sully their reputation as 'nice' people.

What's my point?


let alone honor.

Now given that Men are driven by Vampyric Ambition, can You imagine a couple generations of a society that teaches little boys that girls are 'yucky' and guides them to grow up MAINTAINING and STRENGTHENING THE INSANITY OF THAT DISDAIN?????????

Sure. Right now the fox is wearing a real nice sheepskin coat, but? When one examines what's under that cloak, it has absolutely no AWE, RESPECT, REVERENCE for the OTHER HALF OF GOD. None. Gay Men mostly are jealous of Women, not protective. If they were naturally protective, they'd be humbled by her delicacy, her beauty, her complexity - not say something insane like, "EWWWWWWWW!!!!" Note the level of Self-Annhilating Idiocy their takeover of the fashion industry has encouraged in young anorexic girls who are imitating the gay man's preference for de-feminized women in the only female who can imitate little boys. STARVED WOMEN.

Look. Impulses are not an excuse for sympathy. Ya can't go kill Your annoying neighbor because You have an ITCH, as a hundred thousand scratchin' the same impulse leads to the breakdown of social order and the destruction of the 'civil' in 'civilized'. Thus, in mirroring reality, any impulse practiced on a grand scale and legitimated by law then reverberates to the actions of the millions. Sexuality is an IMPULSE, not a genetic directive. Faggots are MADE, not born. Just ask any man whose spent some time in prison. Afrikan descendants whose ancestors had never conceived of scratching their toe or putting out a fire on their butt first, let alone that Men could PREFER MEN, these descendants are now wearing pants that hang down almost to their knees, ready for ACTION.

Please. Save 


Child/Children, if We can't save Brilliant Kameron. It's not his fault that his education in Hell is leading him further down, rather than OUT.

Peace. Still on Vacation, but this just got my HShaking...