Sunday, August 19, 2012


According to a second hand witness, she said,
 "It's not different from some of us black people that don't have any resent towards them there's good and bad in every race ... And I'm no less pro black then any of you ... I believe in black empowerment but slandering will not help us move forward ... What benefit to you get from dictating Who should be attracted to what or who ..... Maybe if we had more black men committing and RESPECTING more women would be attracted to black men"

Well now, isn't that GENEROUS OF HER? Here's a little problem, however. Her Blackness is what makes every organ in her body STRONGER, and judging how every sport Black People enter with a focus We wind up taking OVER, her Un-Calcified Pineal Gland is the FOUNTAIN OF DANG NEAR IMMORTALITY that white people killed BILLIONS to acquire throughout history. A lifetime of 130 to 200 STRONG years could be HERS for the asking if she or any other Black Person eats Healthy, exercises and is born, raised and exists in a Positive Energy Environment. That's not happenin' with white people perpetually in charge and convincing the idiots among Us that what We see today in Black communities, in tattered relationships between Black Men and Women, is Our Nature.

Oh, what this Queen is so cluelessly giving up, should she have the offspring of this pale man. No offense intended, only Science, but that tongue endowed huemankind is from a people with an 85% rate of CALCIFIED to near non-functional-ality Pineal Glands, which is the gland from whence an ability to feel empathy for others stems from. In cold technically accurate terms it is a form of race based brain damage, which might explain why, though there's good and bad in every people, and lots of white people I admire, that doesn't mean the scientific reasons behind HISTORY should be censored, as it has been only one people on this planet who, NON-STOP, have brought DEATH, DISEASE and OPPRESSION everywhere they go.

If she really loved her Blackness she would know it is a POWERFUL LEGACY worth FAR MORE than all the money the Rothschild could ever hope to have or find in some mythical fountain. Geez. How Our Enemy has robbed Us of not only Our Resources but of Our Self-KNOWLEDGE as You'll never find a Rothschild DUMB ENUF to throw their TRILLIONS away on the Destitute and Poor. No. Rothschilds MAKE people destitute and poor so they can have more money. It's a Calcified Pineal Gland thang.

If her future children knew what she will be denying them, if they were here, today? They'd sue her for denying them the greatest riches the earth has to offer. That's Black Self Love. Putting Your Future where Your True Wealth is...

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