Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I recently attended a REEEEEEAL WEDDING of one of my Dearest Sisters. Such a CONSCIOUS BRILLIANT QUEEN who has achieved the kind of MARTIMONIAL BOND which is the DREAM of every starry eyed little girl, who pictures her Tall, Brilliant and Dark Prince coming along. Why, one could even see, it was the dream come true of one (however secretly) starry eyed little boy grown up to be a Tall, Brilliant and Dark KING. Yes and ASE! That was a HECK of a JUBILANT UNION I was a LUCKY witness of. WOW. We should all know that such a Heaven is Possible for ANY who INSIST, as this Warrioress Sister surely DID.

Now, this is a general post, not related specifically to her or her new husband as I always talk about Committed Love....

You know how everybody, from Matrons of Honor to guests, to bride and groom, on the day of the wedding, everybody is on their BEST behavior? If one has a disagreement, the inclination is to consider the IMPORTANCE of the 


putting the occasion above that Person's individual grievance? And everybody has a MARVELOUS time, cause the ladies know, it's the BRIDE'S DAY and the gentlemen - it's the GROOM'S. Powerful Egos become soothed by the acceptance that something GREATER is at hand.

Well? Imagine extending that HEAVEN beyond the days and into the YEARS? The


A-S-E!!!!!! To Our ANCESTORS who are directing Us BACK to Our AFRIKAN SANITY!!!!! This Western Do First, Think LATER Slut-ciety has Us celebrating ONE DAY, then acting like We'll EXPLODE if all the other days We continue to think of the longterm results of acting SELFISHLY and act Considerately. Consider those around. We can still address a wrong, but if We do it with LOVING RESPECT? Why Bliss becomes as easily REEEEEEEEAL when extended with THINKING CONCERN for HARMONY.

Talk about being Selfish, for something GREATER at hand, and Lived, all the days We're on this earth. That's why they call it Heaven, cause it's Bliss that lasts for ETERNITY.

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