Saturday, May 12, 2012


There's a Warning I've been meaning to Repeat MORE FORCEFULLY, cause there's a HUGE SCAM going on, while too many of Us are SITTING suckers for those with MORE who tell Us what to do with the little We have.

Please. Don't buy Gold, unless You can afford to sit around with no job, debts and?


See there is NO NATION whose currency is on a gold standard, so you can't even move to one. Once in the U.S. You could go into any store and purchase 
what You needed with gold COIN, but Nixon ended that and now? Your Electric Company and everybody else to pay their bills and taxes requires CASH, or it's equivalent. And that ain't no yellow metal.

To get the value of gold, which is set daily by nobody You know? YOU NEED A WILLING INDEPENDENT BUYER!!!! And You CAN'T GET THAT EASILY with near half the population unemployed and the rich filing BANKRUPTCY BY THE RECORD THOUSANDS THEMSELVES, as their mansions are being FORECLOSED ON (for this collapse is hitting everyone but the MOST SOULLESS RICH at the tippy top) - with that Economic Apocalypse in consideration?

Your future buyer is going to be one, jeeeeeest one little guy named Rothschild who will gladly buy what You have, right before You STARVE TO DEATH (cause You


he'll buy Your horde out for PENNIES on every dollar You got bamboozled out of, since You believed the latest American Dream for the Sound Asleep. The last Ponzi Scam, remember that one? Buying a house for no money down and it was advertised ALL OVER the place then, like gold is now. The majority of that famous scam was balanced on Our Black Backs. The Credit Default Swap they called it, and?

You might know some of those who got took with that one. Millions of them are wandering the streets, HOMELESS, today, cause they trusted advisers who looked like they were in the 'know'. Let's hope if You know them (the Homeless as the advisers only want Your money, not Your friendship), it won't be because You're sharing a cardboard box with them, under some bridge that went to nowhere.

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