Monday, May 28, 2012


7 ways to be permanently detained under Obama's NDAA.

1. Interview A Member Of The Taliban - You don't have to help him, just ask him a few questions for Your publication.

2. Attend A Fundraiser - Don't have to know all the beneficiaries, and the recipients don't have to be proven suspected terrorists organizations, merely ACCUSED, and You can say NOTHING as You'll never meet who's accusing them.

3. Write a Book - Write anything that speaks even favorably about the philosophy of those who are angry at the U.S., and You just earned Yourself a ticket to Guantanamo Bay.

4.  Organize a Demonstration - You can be deemed a supporter of a 'deliberate force', or in some convoluted manner that need not be explained, You can be deemed to support the goals of the Taliban or Al Qaeda.

5. Help Out a Friend - You send a buddy money to invest in some noble agenda, only to be arrested for supporting a 'suspected' terrorist. No explanations necessary, and the suspect could be Yo Momma, on vacation in Barbados, needing some extra cash to upgrade to that private beach bungalow.

6. Accidentally Supply Missiles to Insurgents - Let's say You build weapons, and one of Your missiles ACCIDENTALLY falls into the hands of a 'terrorist'. Let the U.S. find Your name on the side and it's CLINK, CLINK, with no end for U!

7.  Plan a Terrorist Attack - or be accused of one, thus making You eager for Your Exoneration after a trial, right? NOT! No trial, not even a FAIR ONE. And Obama's Signing Statement of 'Good' Faith? It ain't worth the paper it's written on.

The Audacity of Hope, huh? Well, Obama never spelled out exactly what he was Hoping for, and it appears it was for more Hell. No, he's not Satan, as the racists like to say. He's just a good f-r-i-e-n-d of Satan and of those same racists, too. Though? The racists won't tell You that, anymore than Obama will tell U why it smells like sulfur everywhere You go...


  1. I miss you. We have argued and disagreed in the past and always made up. Life is short and as we move forward. I'd like to tell you ....I miss you.


  2. I miss you, also. Think of you, sometimes, too. But I've changed quite a bit, not for the more mainstream, but the far more revolutionary. And if you are the Lisa I remember, who holds a VITAL piece of my memories from my young woman days? Sooner or later we come to loggerheads. Maybe we could agree not to discuss certain topics, but would that be fun for either POWERFUL one of us? You are one STRONG WOMAN, as am I. That's how we were both meant to be. But this is nice to bury the hatchet before we bury it in each other's HEADS! (^^)!

    Is that you? What's the first initial of your sisters first names? And if it is, how the heck did you find my blog?

    1. Yes it's me your former roommate. Both the kitties have passed. Fifi firsti of unknown causes. Then Butchie got a large abdominal aggressive cancer. I tried to reach you. People even came over to say goodbye to him. He went downhill so quickly , I had to put him down. I miss him. I have no problem respecting wishes to avoid certain topics. That's no big deal for me. I prefer to enjoy life. I'm super busy with grad school and a new job but please contact me via email. Your real name is attached to this blog BTW.. Also thanks for responding. Today is my Bday and that was my present. :-)

      Lisa G

      Ps. Sisters F is still in NJ. Sister K is in Baltimore finishing up a phd, sister S is in Vegas working for the same company. My nices are awesome and I took them to the intrepid museum today. One nephew is in college in CA the other graduates this year and won 2 full scholarships for football.

    2. My email ADR is Getintogear1@ or Lgilles@Hunter.CUNY.Edu
      Are you still making jewelry?
      How is your son?
