Friday, May 18, 2012


I am raising my Sun to seek the Rescue of his Future, which comes from Protecting his Blackness.

For those Black People who think, if not the white race then, their white mate is their particular Rescue? I ask, did that mate jump in front of any of the bullets that killed Trayvon, Oscar, Ayanna, Sean, or did that mate put their heads in the nooses that killed a hundred thousands others of Our People? Nope. They're Chosens (because to make a life with another is accept that classification of person as the GOD over one's Destiny...)  have been UTTERLY USELESS in stopping the evil that the rest of white people do.

And as I guesstimate 95% of interracial children raised with the white parent in the house, or white supremacy in the mind of the Black Parent, will NEVER marry anyone darker than themselves, with a distinct desperate preference for whiteness?

I guesstimate Your Black Future will be annihilated. Only if You Love Your Blackness will that concern You.

Yeah. There are 'nice' white people and some the Bamboozled amongst Us may think that they love, but I teach my son that IF his Blackness is Actually BEAUTIFUL, it's worth Protecting not only on his Selfish Flesh but on his Forever. Now that's True Black Love that will be his True Rescue.

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