Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Okay. Bear with me while I get this straight, no pun intended. There are those who say Black Comedians and Actors wearing dresses is only entertainment. No big deal. They would argue, that negative portrayals of anyone in movies (if they could argue effectively) - they would say that movies merely show extremes, not REAL LIFE, to entertain and tantalize, and everyone should stop being so DARN sensitive.

Interesting... But then, if the Cross Dressing Black Man, the Hoodlum Black Man has no purpose other than to be harmlessly funny, or edge of one's seat frightening, cause he's not r-e-a-l, why does society presume the ENLIGHTENED, DOING FOR SELF, LOVING THEIR PEOPLE and ONLY THEIR WOMEN, WISE BLACK MEN are ALSO an extreme, which Hollyweird would then PROCLAIM. Cause according to the white man's statistics? They are Rare. Precious. Nobody believes there are PLENTY of them sitting next to Us on the bus, as Our neighbors. RIGHT? You hear Black Us, even, cozily putting each other down as if We are worthless embarrassments.

But, then, lemme get this straighter, no pun intended, still. Movies show the e-x-t-r-e-m-e-s, having no effect on the day to day world, and so they NEVER show Good Black Men cause there must be too many of them!!! That's IT! It'd be redundant!!!

And yet, the attitude of the common white man on the FLIP SIDE, the same one who directs the movies, doesn't synchronize with that. Instead he is c-e-r-t-a-i-n injustice against Us is okay in REAL LIFE as it's 'safer' for a white man to shoot a Black Man who has done NOTHING


cause most likely? Sooner or Later the Black Man WOULD. And of COURSE, the big assumption is that We Helpless Afrikans always need some 'more intelligent' white doctor, or white teacher to show Us the way, as Our Men don't have what it takes to lead Our People. Intriguing. Just like what is portrayed in movies. We're a bunch of BUFFOONS. My. That's gotta be a coincidence!!! There must be WHOLE CITIES full of AMAZING Black Men if the movies are showing only the extremes.

Or, the media on the WHOLE must be PROPAGANDA that


have a DEADLY EFFECT on Our ATTITUDES. Cause according to their movies, not their FEAR, Black Woman ME can't POSSIBLY be living with a Black Man like the one in my home, everyday, who is not only LOVING, but dang near a GENIUS, along with being a Darn near PERFECT FATHER!!! I can't have Black Male Friends EXACTLY like him, in their own Unique way - in the One-S my husband and I know firsthand by the HUNDREDS (and that's just us, here in Newark), with a legion of an extended rest numbering into the THOUSANDS I've met on Facebook. My son can't have the most AMAZING Black Man Math Teacher who is so DEDICATED he and others are opening up a whole SCHOOL! The Paulo Freire Charter School - Give 'em a call! It's just Black People doing that, and BRILLIANTLY.

Then there's my INTOXICATINGLY BRILLIANT, and COMPASSIONATE Cocoa Brown Black SON. He must be an illusion, too, cause white people, as reeeeeeeasonable as they are would never be NEUROTICALLY SCARED about a population as large and Non-Violently HEALING as that!

All while their Black Male DNA has been POLLUTED by a 400 year old Raping of their Mothers. Why, imagine in Afrika, which is endlessly depicted by the white media as starving from being too stupid to grow crops, although We started farming and everything ELSE? In the Motherland, the PURITY OF THE AFRICAN MAN IS EVEN MORE SEERING than here.

Hmmmm... It's pretty obvious. Movies don't show baseless extremes or they would showcase GOOOOOOOOD BLACK MEN. They would reveal the RARITY of such BLACK MEN as HARDWORKING FAMILY AND GOD LOVING MASTERS OF THEIR UNIVERSE. Cause white people are 'nice', right?


'w'hite people are SCARED and,

thus, the movies? Rare or not, as there ARE too many Black People Lost, but? The movies don't show the FIGHTERS amongst Us who are unfortunately rare, but GROWING. Movies show DIRECTIONS, not facts of an extreme, as that's why they have Directors and not Technicians in charge of convincing its audience the extreme WISH of the white producers that You have FAITH in what they put out. 'w'hite people in charge could never AFFORD to depict THAT ORIGINAL MIGHTY Black Man. Because if People and people trusted the Realness of that Afrikan Man rather than the misdirecting message of the movie? Not only would white people KNOW they suffer from the only Contagious Delusional Psychotic Cancer around, and could then perhaps seek HELP, but Black People, Black WOMEN, Black CHILDREN  would k-n-o-w what they were watching was built to HYPNOTIZE, not thrill. Built to make them lose confidence in their ORIGINAL POWERFUL ARMY. 

Black Men.

No one would ever again be satisfied paying hard earned money to watch a screen full of PROPAGANDIZED LIES, i-n-s-t-r-u-c-t-i-n-g Us so We don't make an effort to become that Enlightened Man, BELIEVE IN that WISE Man who isn't rare. He's the Every Where We Turn, if We 


Black Man Truth.

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