Friday, April 20, 2012



But not by playing the Slut Machines. Uh, uh. Gave those up YEARS, ago. Now, I talk about this occasionally Never to braaaaaaag, but to THWART the


that Conscious Black Sister YOU CanNOT, and therefore must become a Lesbian ABOMINATION or a CROSSOVER DAMNED-NATION.

Because You, ALSO, Black Woman can be a WINNER when You stop placing Your bets on an Unlucky pack of LOSERS. For Good Black Men don't congregate in Gambling Joints, whether in Las Vegas or the  Lower Ways of the MIND. Why those AUGUST KINGS, s-e-l-e-c-t-i-v-e-l-y would GIVE THEIR LIVES for THEEEEEEE Black GODDESS who for them is much more than a Sure Bet.   She will be their Comfort, and thus their RESCUE in a World at WAR with them on every front. She will be a Womb-man who has learned her TRUE WORTH as a Partner to a Man who in turn Protects and Nurtures the NATIONS she Births, then Confidently Builds. These are not Men who Foolishly RISK their Life's Savings on mere DISTRACTIONS, no matter how pretty the Casino.

They don't mindlessly CRAVE, they Deductively I-N-S-I-S-T on ONLY a QUEEN, who's not been flattened into Shallowness and stuck on an OverPlayed Card. She is one who has resurrected her Energy by freeing her Original Divine Gifts from that which temporarily held her MIGHT dooooooown. A might that is The Afrikan Mother of Civilization who is POWERFUL enough to take time to Heal within and out by discovering she Likes Herself when it counts. When she's not just in a Crowd, but, even more, when she's ALL ALONE...

That Pay Day adds up to a FOUNDATION more secure than any 'Here Today, Gone Tomorrow' coin You, my Sister, will ever toss  into a bottomless hole which leads nowhere You DESERVE to be. For What happens in Heaven?

Stays in Heaven, far longer than it could in Vegas, and most certainly in Hell.


  1. cosmic Sistar, this message is well received. resonates within. on point
