Saturday, April 28, 2012


A BEAUTIFUL SISTER once asked me how do I reconcile my Love of AFRIKA with my Muslim FAITH? 

Easily. First, the white man, even if Arab, did NOT invent Allah/Yahweh/Elohim/THE CREATOR. That's scientifically IMPOSSIBLE as We Afrikans are His FIRSTBORN and thus will be the FIRST to GRADUATE to the next phase of Our Father's plan, if We follow instructions and don't substitute His DIVINE KNOWLEDGE for the CONNEDfusedSHUN of Our Enemy. Allah invented Himself and Existence, while We must humbly FOLLOW without His COMPLETE understanding of ALL THINGS, knowing that His truth has no Color, but NO DOUBT, it has a preference, as the first born are the first to leave the crib. It's not mean for the eldest son to leave his young siblings behind as they must continue the process of GROWING UP.

Second? THE TRUEST AFRIKAN IS A THINKING HUE-MAN. That's why there are so MANY different tribes amongst Our Motherland People. Cause when someone started THINKING, "I disagree with the leader of the village, with the city, with the NATION..." then that Person wasn't Ibo anymore, or Ashogo - they became a new part of the over SEVEN THOUSAND SEPARATE TRIBES that make up the People who began EVERYTHING.

By thinking.

That's the one bond common and first practiced by Our Family, for 64,000 GENERATIONS by white calculations, thus Truthfully? FAR MORE. By changing to suit a continuously changing world, they THRIVED and populated the entire  planet. So I am the PUREST AFRIKAN WOMB-MAN IN THE WORLD, NO MATTER WHERE I AM OR WHAT ADVOCACY I CHAMPION. If I stand with the SAFETY of Our RIGHT TO BE US, without THREAT from any and ALL disagreeable Foes?

Then You can't get any Blacker, though I'll never be Black enough to satisfy my AMAZEMENT at having been born one of Us.

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