Thursday, May 26, 2011


A Beloved Brother of Yours and mine asked me to talk about Fastfood - and I admit, I barely if ever mention the topic as in truth? It's ALL become FASTFOOD today. I hesitate to highlight this one modern Catastrophic Scourge as I fear I might encourage the DANGEROUS FAITH many have that, "At LEAST I'm healthy, 'cause I don't eat that CRAP! Only once or twice a Year..."

But from pesticides that turn calm Children into lifetime Ritalin Dope Fiends; to GMO 'Our FUTURE-CIDE'; to the Microwaved Cancer Teasers We mistakenly call a MEAL? It's ALL FAST, in and out of Us, like an implanted BOMB, BLASTING US AWAY in SECONDS. Leaving MILLIONS (l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y) of decimated bodies. Filling millions of conveniently located NEAR YOU hospital beds - like a Tsunami of Trauma Teams on the most gruesome field of battle in the history of War(not so)fair.

Makes One wonder, what other civilization has or WILL leave, as a tribute to its height of INGLORY, Coast to COAST Hospital RUINS of a ruined by their food, population?

McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Olive Garden and Red Lobster (yup!); TV Dinners and all their Ghoulish Comrades are the boogie man in the closet, disrupting Our otherwise carefully induced coma-like sleep with a childish fear. All while the real Killer has already broken into Our house and has his hand on the doorknob of Our Chamber of the deepest Slumber.

Time to Wake-UP, Sleeping Beauty. Somebody slipped Ya a MICKEY!

Granted. These Corporate Fastfood Villians are more than an imaginary threat. They indeed are ONE HUNDRED TIMES the High Fructose Corn Syrup, Salt-Lick and Hormoned and Abused Flesh CONCENTRATION of so-called 'Regular Food'. But given the perception that 'Those Other People' are FAT cause 'THEY' eat Triple Macs 3 times a day, creates a LULLABYE-BYE ILLUSION - since most of Us are s-t-i-l-l DYING a food driven Death. Statistically, most People DON'T eat these Heart Attack 'treats' everyday or even once a week. And thus they tell themselves they are SAFE and 'better' than their neighbors who MUST be Ravenous HOGS. Forget just pigs. We exclaim with disdain, "Why LOOK at them!"

Why, let's look at US in a MIRROR, as Our Children have been sentenced to shorter lives than their PARENTS! We have duped Ourselves into a false sense of pride, mixed with a real sense of puzzlement and HORROR at Our still increasing waistlines and exponentially rising sugar levels and blood pressure. Despite eating only that which We prepare Ourselves in the SUPPOSED Haven of Our Kitchens.

The TOTAL REALITY is that Fastfood and FASTERFOOD, in ANY AMOUNTS adds up to FASTESTFOOD Death. Alone or together, either one is the QUICKEST EXIT from this Lying HELL, without ever discovering that Our True Haven is a Heaven starting INSIDE - OUT, that HEALS and is genuinely QUITE

Thank GOD Heaven lasts FOREVER and that it goes reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaal s-l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-w. So We can SAVOR it, Guilt FREE.

Free. Now wouldn't THAT be sumthin'?

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