Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mixed Race People? You had better beware, because you are under a dangerous illusion that your blood relation to whiteness excludes you from the wrath of white fear of Blackness. But you don't get that YOU are the very FUTURE they FEAR, staring them right in the EYE. The eradication of 'w'HITENESS. They don't want to disappear as a people, and who could blame them? I don't want Us to disappear either as I couldn't stand the idea of a world of Pat Boones and not a James Brown or Stevie Wonder to be found.

I propose We make a kind of nature preserve for white people who want to protect their right to paleness. With almost all the accouterments to which they have become accustomed, minus the rape, torture, and destruction of the planet. And mixed race Folks? You can go off, begging to be a part of your 'family', as you are so complimented not to be called 'Black'. We Original People don't need you. But, I hope you won't be too hurt when they don't invite you along. See. It was never about whether Black People could ever be nice enough, or smart enough, or good enough for white folks. It has always been about that We are simply TOO MUCH enough in every way that truly terrifies them. And if you are as Blessed as We are?

You will be too.

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