Sunday, May 22, 2011


Then don't waste time hating white people either.

I KNOW!!! I have to remind MYSELF of this, as We are in a NEVER ENDING AND NEVER WILL END STRUGGLE to GET THEIR BESTIAL TEETH FROM OUT OF OUR CELESTIAL BODIES!!!! And my, but isn't there soooo much terrrrrrrible blood.... MyGod.

This looks like a FIGHT to the FINISH, huh? And it appears today like it will be the finish of US! Whoa. How did this predicament happen? We are, Beyond a Shadow of a DOUBT, a BRILLIANT and MAGNIFICENT PEOPLE; so where did We go wrong? And hence, WHY is it of no benefit to HATE the Lion? Oh. I mean white people!

Well, We went thoroughly WRONG in GETTING INTO the CAGE with the lion. You know what I mean - with 'w'HITE 'p'EOPLE. Dealing with them is EXTRA TRICKY, yes - because they LOOK like a KIND of human, as I'm sure you've heard by now. The old cliched, they are HumanKIND. But they ARE, and We must NOT believe OTHERWISE. Yes, they are Perceptibly Clever and potentially loving - as any LION... uh, I mean - BEING can be. As long as they are reared in an environment that encourages the expression of these better attributes and You can google an AVALANCHE of photos of folks hugging up on the more easy to identify as a DEADLY PREDATOR, King of the Beasts. Because when raised around People (real People, not more l-i-o-n-s), this nearly SABERTOOTHED NIGHTMARE can become a regular FLUFFY KITTY KAT PILLOW!

But raised amongst Themselves, lions AND white people are AS their NATURE intends. WILD, and NOT TO BE APPROACHED by the naive. For caucasians by and LARGE have had neither THERAPY, nor are even WILLING to ADMIT and thus FACE HEAD ON the DANGEROUS reality of their IRREFUTABLE HISTORY. They live in the Wild Territory that foments their consistent behavior, within CONCENTRATED ENCLAVES OF 'w'HITENESS.  They protect these 'dens' at all cost, with the more Monetarily Saturated living the MOST ISOLATED of GENERATIONAL existences, evidenced in their Centuries long tradition of BLACK MAN EATING BEHAVIOR. The white rich, therefore, are more aptly DETERMINED to consume their POPULOUS PREY through STEALTH and CUNNING. Lions do not send Warnings to the Gazelles, to announce their intentions, next morning, to RIP OUT THEIR THROATS and CHEW UP THEIR GUTS. Neither will white people ever admit that they mean Us NO GOOD.

And they send their 'w'OMEN to do most of the Hunting. Uh. Lions and...

white people.

Thus, to waste time hating white people is the equivalent of hating a beast. You 'hate' that which is actually a THREAT and Afrikans had and have copious strategies for combating the risk of a lion attack, because They (and yes WE, ALL) THINK BETTER than this predictable foe. You hate an opponent who is Your EQUAL and operates with an unpredictable BRILLIANCE that chills the mind and shatters Your RESOLVE. You Hate a MAN, not a WILD CREATURE, and white people, given that they are willing to destroy even THEMSELVES for Trinkets and Self-Aggrandizement, are very, very WILD. Like a Lion, they are incapable of acting beyond their immediate APPETITE for MORE.

And their RIDICULOUSLY PREDICTABLE METHOD OF HUNTING? Is simply to LIE, and LIE CONSTANTLY. That IS and will forever REMAIN the Achilles HEEL of their Nature. Even their appearance as Our FRIENDS is a BLATANT FALSEHOOD as no white person would ever be happy to live in a world where the Black Man and Womb-man are FREE to Be their FULL GOD SELVES. Nope. Ain't happenin'.

We Afrikans, however, when it comes to this far more Deceptively TRICKY BEAST, We have made the constant mistake of ENTERING the CAGE and/or WELCOMING a CARNIVORE into Our Homes and MINDS. Once in that one on one confrontation? He, without ANNOUNCEMENT, lays WASTE to all that We were and are. You don't defeat a lion by trying to be a LION. You defeat him by THINKING and RESPONDING LIKE a Hue-Man BE-ing.

We cannot be complacent when it comes to this PRESENT and ANNIHILATING CRISIS as through a myriad of cunning maneuvers the hunt for Afrikans, both here and the in the Motherland is ON. We MUST GATHER OUR WARRIORS AND WARRIORESSES to KICK THIS MAN-EATING CONTAGION from OUT OF THE VILLAGE OF OUR HEARTS AND MINDS! And then it is HE who goes into the Cage, or the Grave, whilst We gather Our Blessed Children to regale them with TRIUMPHANT STORIES about the Day We DEFEATED the animal who is no longer a Threat to even a mouse.


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