Saturday, February 12, 2011


Our overall Strength and Health DEMANDS realizing that sickness is MOST WELCOMED by the POWERLESS SOUL. He who has nothing looks to find a Redeeming Reflection, a sense of SELF-PRIDE and thus a wish that the reality around him PERPETUATE itself so he can FIGHT another day. However, if when the Powerless Soul sees the surrounding society - if what he finds looks like Him and is in CHAOS? He then becomes one who succumbs to a Sense of Defeat that PHYSICALLY POISONS every Organ, every Action. He will choose Trivial, Momentary PLEASURES over STRATEGIZED FORGING of the Future. He is overcome by the apparent reality of his weakness as he is, obviously, only one mere INDIVIDUAL, easily overcome by fear of a Cruel Reality. He is the Solitary SOUL WHO HAS NOTHING OF HIS OWN to latch onto; nothing for which He will JOYFULLY FIGHT to MAINTAIN, or that will fight to maintain him. He will NOT become a STRENGTH to Himself and/or His COMMUNITY which IS his NATION as he has no comfort from his Nation. For a United People does not abandon or exploit You. It Protects Your existence because without You, it is NOTHING.

The land wasn't stolen from Us, the Nation. WE, THE NATION, THE TRUE MIGHT of a mere Territory, WAS STOLEN FROM THE LAND.

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