Saturday, February 12, 2011


What if Black Men ran the world like white men? If they were destroying the very Earth itself, along with all the creatures and Hue-man Beings who populate it. Would We, Black People, be INSULTED if the disenfranchised - by Our Biblically Proportioned GREED - called Us on it?

Would We call them, without even considering all their points, would We call them 'sensitive'? Would We hate them, or would We be angry at Ourselves?

Well. Let's check those history books for the last time We were in charge. I think whitey calls it Afrika, a place where he found (VERY unlike in his hometown Europe) absolutely no poverty, no prisons by the time his late to the party no butt self showed up. I know We called it HEAVEN. And I know Our Time is coming AGAIN, and it's expression will NEVER look like what they have ravaged Our existence with, over this, the close, of their 6,000 year reign.

We are Not at ALL white people, so ANY comparison, thereof, is MOOT.

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