Monday, February 28, 2011


I have one last comment about This Obama 15 Minute Moment. The negative response to JUST ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT HIS PRESIDENCY HAS BEEN ASTOUNDING! Folks just don't want Ya asking a THANG. Well, my final assessment is Quite SERIOUS.

The Greatest Warning that We Black People give each other concerning Barack Obama so that We say nothing that even questions the level of stewardship he provides, (We, who gave him Our votes in Massive Proportions), the Greatest Warning We give to silence Our Analysis is "Sssh! You gonna make Massa MAD and he gonna KILL Obama!"

This as I stated is SERIOUS. Now, I SINCERELY DOUBT that a O-N-E of Us Beloved Black People will be attempting to take the life of a Person who has without question placed himself forever in the annals of American history, if without proving himself Virtuous, at least proving that We are capable of Eloquence. So, let me get this straight then. Isn't FREEDOM about the right of EXPRESSION? Isn't that saying, "Freedom of Speech" quite WELL KNOWN and Honored (or used to be) by even US?

Yet it appears, under threat from NUTTY WHITE PEOPLE who don't even NEED A REASON TO HATE US but now have a reason to do so OPENLY, it appears that because of FEAR of their RETRIBUTION that once again We are REDUCED to BEGGING for their GOOD OPINION by PRETENDING TO BE WITHOUT COMPLEX THOUGHTS of any incendiary kind? You know? Like the old Shuck and Jive Days? "Yessa Boss. Oh don't ja worry Nuthin' 'bout little ol' Uncka Tom here, Boss. I ain't got a THOUGHT in My li'l ol' Nigga Head. No SUH!"

1. Since when did Crackers EVER NEED ENCOURAGEMENT to HURT US?

2. No Black Person EVER should RUN FOR PUBLIC OFFICE (E-V-E-R!) believing that it is WITHOUT PHYSICAL RISK! Please. I don't want a hair harmed on Barack Obama, but for REAL? Don't friggin run for DOG CATCHER if you ain't got the BALLS to realize that these people are NOT YOUR FRIENDS and will KILL YOU if you have the NERVE to rise TOO HIGH! What are We? A bunch of PUNKS? Did We think this would be EASY?

3. How will it ultimately BE HELPFUL if We Black People can ONLY be FREE to VOICE CRITICISM of Our Black Elected Officials when they are 'w'HITE? It seems We are Damned if We DO and DAMNED if We DON'T! So once again, We are too CHICKEN to challenge the INSANITY of CRACKERS! We once again?

Can't survive without them.

And here We thought the Selection of the First Black President meant We's were all FREE. Guess We have ALL just be ASSASSINATED.


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