Friday, June 22, 2012


'w'hite people propagandize the myth that they are Our Black Rescue, in their endless sintertainment that shows them improving the lives of a 'lucky' endlessly downtrodden ONE of Us - downtrodden for no visible reason, other than We have been led to assume is because We're DUMB - white people MUST see themselves as Our Heroes because if they let out that We are Our OWN and always have been? Seeing how thoroughly We believe their Lies, if We believe them should they tell the Truth, with how POWERFUL WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN, Europeans and Europeans Derivatives would piss themselves to death, drowning from pure FEAR, without Us lifting a finger.

Yes, there are 'good' white people out there, and I'd be lying to say there are none. Been 'friends' with them in my ignorant enslaved days, noting that their kindness was sincere. But? Up to a point, for not a one of them wouldn't be terrified at the mere thought of a SELF-DETERMINING US. Not to mention that a million 'good' white people has never been enough to stop the o-n-e that's ROTTEN, and it's the latter who is their leader, along with Ours - as long as We don't realize that they are not Our Maker, since under their paradigm, nothing for US will ever get better. They ONLY make Negroes who'll blindly worship white Jesus and thus them and their Disaster of a Civilization. They surely would never DARE to help build Black Gods as that would be Hell for them and Undeniable Heaven on Earth for Us, made by U and Me.

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