Wednesday, August 8, 2012



Her Family.

From myself to my husband, son and mother, their best doctor has been ME, SUPER GODDESS. No. I'm not a board certified physician. Have no degrees from BigPharma run medical schools that make People's brains glaze over when I talk and then take everything I say without critical thinking, without doing their OWN RESEARCH. NOPE! I have only my 

passion and love for Us that isn't interested in financial compensation, nor fake laurels. And I have my KITCHEN!!!

Can I get an 'AMEEEEEEN'?!!!! I have been a AMAZED WITNESS to the AWESOME POWER of plain, simple, LIVING foOOoooOOoooOOood. Last year my mother was going through an acute state of Senile Dementia that I spoke about, in which she was wandering the streets, fragile and hallucinating. Among the chilling visions she was CERTAIN were real, was a tub of acid that was waiting for her if she went home. Well, we FOUND her some 48hrs later, SAFE in a NYC hospital, though we live in Newark. She had spent all those hours hanging out, alone, in movie theatres on 42nd St.

FORTY EIGHT HOURS NON-STOP that a Vulnerable Elder was at the mercy of any nut around.

The whole WORLD thinks Senile Dementia and Alzheimer's (another form of SD) are IRREVERSIBLE conditions, like a textbook of others. But? It's not. Those other conditions aren't EITHER. Today, my Beloved Mother is HAPPY, AWARE and back to her old self with the help of critical nutrition she hadn't been receiving. I RESEARCHED and RESEARCHED (give it a go, URSELF) - knowing better than to trust her doctor who in sight of 10 minutes was writing out a prescription for an ANTI-PSYCHOTIC DRUG!!!! It wouldn't have cured her, would have made her zoned out and possibly SUICIDAL, which the doctor would have agreed. However, rather than admit his medicine SUCKS, he'd have said Senile Dementia is INCURABLE, a 'natural' occurrence of AGING. Thus the medicine would have been our best hope.


A Vitamin B Complex supplement, along with Flaxseed Oil (for brain essential Omega 3s), 1 TBSP organic Coconut Oil, Vitamin E, C, D3, each day, NO DEAD FLESH FOOD OR COW PUS, and when she'll agree - CoEnzyme Q10, more activity (as she can tolerate) has been her CURE, without SIDE EFFECTS!!!! No more horrifying visions that convince her the dark friendless streets of Manhattan are safer than where she is LOVED.

That's just my mom, whose years spent in a Hollywood Created 1950s Amerikkka has made it difficult to incorporate ALL THE HEALING that Our Creator made ABUNDANT. Sheesh. Adding to her MIRACULOUS RECOVERY? I'm also the Healer who has Healed MYSELF as my Herpes Simplex Cold Sore has apparently DISAPPEARED for GOOD. I'm not ashamed of that as how can I be ashamed of what no longer looks like crusted Kakkah on my upper lip every 6-10 months? I figure it's a combination of EVERYTHING I eat and supplement with, especially the Vitamin D3, Coconut Oil (massive anti-microbial), 7,000mg of Vitamin C, 3,200mg Quercitin and the LIVING FOOD!!!!! Why even my occasional outbreak of hives has been GREATLY and GREATFULLY reduced! I look forward to perfecting its cure, as I know it's out there....

Plus my son? His regular bouts of sneezing and coughing? Vitamin C (3,000mg) and Quercitin (1,680mg) and the....


have made 10yr old him a DEVOTED HEALTH PROPONENT, and freed our home of nasty booger tissues that he always forgot to discard.

My King, though? He's no Sweetie Pie Man who does whatever the little MASTRESS tells him; but being gently loving, even he isn't succumbing to the usual bouts of colds and flu. See, he is a bit of a junkfood vegan whose had a change of heart with eating more concentrated LEAFY GREENS, CRUCIFEROUS VEGGIES and FRUITS because he was getting tired of being the ONLY person in the house who was getting SICK.

Now, Beloved, when will U also be sick and tired of being sick and tired? Superhero power is waiting for U for the asking, as Gods are immune not because of magic, but because their MIGHTY FATHER has ALL that CURES.

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