Friday, July 20, 2012


First, a SOULFUL SAD CONDOLENCE to the innocent victims at the Aurora Theatre in Colorado.

I'm not here to talk, as I'm still on a Blissful Hiatus, but found this commentary wise, tempered and TRUTHFUL, if a tad bit polite. I'll be a little less so. This isn't 'self-hatred' when a white man goes on a rampage against the innocent. This is a TANTRUM from an itty bitty toddler souled man (and his ilk who have a penchant for such SPOILED ROTTEN HISSY FITS) - this is a Brat's DEADLY MELTDOWN who can't accept any kind of failure. White men are the pretty much SOLE PERPETRATORS of such ESCALATED DEPRAVITY because they tend to think they OWN the planet, and that the planet must be wrong if they are not successful, not their individual selves. Thus it makes no ripple in the lone white man who slithers this low, makes not a dent in his lack of empathetic humanity to end the life of anyone he chooses. This is the same lack of humanity that Europeans have always evidenced in varying degrees towards themselves (torture devices of such brutality nothing like them should have ever been invented by any being designated as 'human'), and their even WORSE TORTURE of the Black and Brown world throughout HISTORY. That the white man doesn't s-t-u-d-y this phenomena to THIIIIIIIIIIIS 


is proooooooof DEFINITIVE that they will nEvErrrrrRRRRRRRRRRR be qualified to give advice of ANY SORT to ANY1 that desires for the world to make 

sense. Nope. It'll always wind up in the Planet Killing HORROR of which the shooting at Aurora is only a small example of the madness that lies within, and remains glaringly unexamined.

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