Well, with the deepest REGARD, UNQUENCHABLE LOVE and AWE for the SCOPE of this brother's KNOWLEDGE and any of Us who has the intelligence to ask the question, "Does God Exist?" - it's an Honorable Question, without DOUBT; and to engage in this debate within Oneself is not a reflection of a sinful mind. With the deepest RESPECT I cast no dispersion in turn upon them. No. It is one aspect of entering The GODmind to SHOUT at the Darkness. Our Father did that Himself, once, long, long ago and He got a TERRIFIC ANSWER.
But to enjoy the cake of this Existence without acknowledging the Baker goes against the very Laws of Physics set in motion by THE BAKER, the same Physics much championed by the atheist as proof of the 'Myth' of God. For, if a collection of the non-thinking ingredients, necessary for creating a cake, are placed on a table, how much time must pass before they conspire to form themselves into something as complex and pleasurable as a CAKE, as opposed to a decaying lump of rot? And at all times, the ingredients must remain NON-THINKING. Given that GOD created EVERYTHING from even LESS than that NOTHING? Can LESS THAN NOTHING create this COLOSSAL EXPRESSION OF EXISTENCE in ALL ITS MAJESTY, all its DELECTABLE VARIETY with Less than n-o-t-h-i-n-g?
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