Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Your Destiny is ON THE GRILL...

How can You be moving Your WHOLE SELF towards Heaven when You Still FILL Your belly with HELL? To be of Use there? You gotta DO Your BEST HERE, for Our Father ain't no GHOST or DisemBODIED SOUL. He is MASTER OF ALL REALMS. The Spiritual, Mental AND the PHYSICAL.

And the last for Him is the EASIEST of ALL to COMMAND. For You ALSO, once You start 


So, Come On, Beloved, and UP WE GO!!!

Are You Healthy or HELL-thy?

SOULFOOD. The name has an 'angelic' ring, especially warming to a People beaten down by somebody else's Jealousy. A People who, in Our impregnated and re-inforced ignorance, felt Strengthened by that which We call 'SOULFOOD', which ironically CAUSES You to have nothing LEFT but YOUR SOUL, since Your BODY is too broken to contain it.

BUT THAT WON'T GET YOU CLOSER TO HEAVEN AS TO REACH that HIGH a LEVEL? You have to be near to an EXPERT at creating Heaven HERE ON EARTH and that ETERNAL PEACE doesn't STOP at Your MOUTH.

It's not enough to master the basics of a white concocted religious faith and then ignore the FULL SCOPE of Your GODmind, or?

Your GODbody, hoping just a SOUL will do. No. ASSUMPTION is COMPLETE and losing Our family members at increasingly YOUTHFUL ages can never be described as a FORGING of a HEAVENLY EXISTENCE. See, GOD is not merely a SPIRIT, a SOUL or a GHOST. He is THEEEEE MASTER of all REALMS, and most EASILY the P-H-Y-S-I-C-A-L.

Now don't run off and start grabbing stones to pummel those who have been poisoned by eating the 'King's' food, and thus becoming CONDEMNED to think no BETTER than that EVIL DOING KING. We are under a spell, like 'Sleeping Beauty' and that requires a Kiss with the BREATH OF LIFE. And that will never come from a world that has filled Us with the Breath of nothing but DEATH.

Just L-I-V-E, Beloveds. Be the first one to take those tentative steps, no matter how 'Crazy' Your family is certain You've become. You'll break their spell, most CERTAINLY as what makes Heaven ETERNAL? Is that TRUTH is IMPOSSIBLE TO RESIST. When they SEE that Perpetual JOY can happen RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE and to HELL with the DEVIL?

That's when Our Healthiness will truly start to HEAL, with more than food for Our Souls, but food that CURES ALL - from You to Our WHOLE AFRIKAN WORLD FAMILY!!!